Are you superstitious?


New Member
Well, the name of the thread says a lot. So, are you superstitious? I certainly am not, well, perhaps a bit, but nothing remarkable. I asked a bit around on my MSN contact list to the forgein people. This was one of the answers I got to just give an example:

"I do avoid shaving for a day before an exam. And I put my notes under my pillow on the night before a test/exam."

Most people usually have something, but most aren't even aware of it. I probably have something too, but I'm not completely sure what it might be. It has clearly nothing to do with shaving as I only recently started (half year ago) shaving.

I also asked, 'do you believe in cursed words?' Which was a negative answer. To be honest, I don't believe in such stuff, I don't believe in such stuff at all. Though I must admit, lately, especially recently, I've gotten my doubts. Every time I said "congratulations" and I meant it, something bad happens to me, or something will happen that I heavily regret. This also counts saying congratulations on someone's birthday.

So, how about you guys?


New Member
No, because superstition is just a confidence booster and that makes a person do well, if you take out the superstition and stick with the confidence, you get the same results.


New Member
No, because superstition is just a confidence booster and that makes a person do well, if you take out the superstition and stick with the confidence, you get the same results.
Try to convince someone with that logica who is very superstition. :p I'm not sure what arguments to use, as I am not (very) superstition. Just like Raging said, a few minor stuff I'm not really aware of. But easy to point out when I happen to do it or so.


New Member
I'm not supersticous, and i beleive the world is hugely unfair. There are some people that do crime, torture people and then get sh-it loads of cash, hot women, mantion ect.

Whoa, either kama has a Fatal error or a trojan horse virus, otherwise it dont work.


New Member
oh god i agree with james for once.

this truly IS a sign of the apocolypse.

and i am supersticious about various things. its a prismatic thing im worried about something different each time =_=;


New Member
I believe in ghosts in some ways, for reasons that would take too long to explain. i think the human mind has more potential then what we think. but good luck and bad luck, it's just another way of lying with statistics.

i think if anyone here was truely superstitious, refl3ction's sig would scare them off. :p


New Member
Iam VERY superstitious

here are some:

I ALWAYS do my Final Exams with a special pen, which is being mine about 5 years now

I ALWAYS smell ANYTHING i eat or drink before actually eating/drinking it (thats not because i like the smell, its because i want to know if its rotten or not)

I ALWAYS start playing my percussion with the "caba?a"

I NEVER pass below a person's arm or legs, it may transform me into a small person

I ALWAYS beat the wood 3 times when someone says something bad like "X person is dying" or "Today the rain is violent"

I ALWAYS kiss the earth before entering the jungle or desert

I ALWAYS enter my house with the right foot

I NEVER cover any mirror

I NEVER kill an "Esperanza" (a kind of bug here that is supposed to give luck, or jynx if you kill it)

I NEVER gaze the mirror when the lights are off

I ALWAYS eat a sandwich upside down

and the list goes on...
I ALWAYS start playing my percussion with the "caba?a"

I ALWAYS beat the wood 3 times when someone says something bad like "X person is dying" or "Today the rain is violent"

The above 2 don't make sense. Explain the second one more I don't get that one, and the 1st one what is the caba?a?


New Member
Oh, well, that came as a surprise, Raiju. You named a few I'm not familiar with. Not that I actually know exceptional much about it or anything :p

Well, I have respect for everyone who is superstitious, even though I am of opinion that most of it is nonsense, not all, not by a long shot, but most of it is. Though, I have a little question about it...
I NEVER pass below a person's arm or legs, it may transform me into a small person[/b]
I'm not familiar with this one. Though I can recall hearing such a thing when "going between the legs of a person" I'm new to the"pass below a person's arm." I'm having a little hard time to imagine it as well. As for my question:
What am I supposed to imagine with "pass below a person's arm?" You avoid passing someone who has his arm higher than yourself or so? If that is the case, I'd feel very sorry to someone at my school, who only has a part of her legs left. Meaning when she stands up completely, she barely reaches the waist of some people.

A few classmates (or, old classmates, as they aren't officially classmates anymore) are uncomfortable of 'Friday the 13', though I usually ignore it. I remember the last Friday the 13. I was at school, as usual and I probably had a test/exam because I asked if anyone was superstitious. A girl answered me that she was very superstitious and was probably going to regret going to school that day. Nothing happened to her that day, so...
A friend of mine told me that she had a final exam at Friday the 13 this year. She told me that several people actually asked and pleated that the final exam could be done on a different day because they were scared that it would go wrong. I'm not sure how that ended up.

I'm not 100% sure why Friday the 13 is considerd an unlucky day. When it was that day, I was, as usual, listening to the radio. I heard many different reasons and I can't place my finger on who to believe. Therefore, I pretty much ignored it further and just went on what I was doing. Funny to hear that "according to research, there are less accidents on Friday the 13 than usual."

I still can't remember anything from myself, though I am still confident I have something. :p
Perhaps when I drink, I always turn my glass a few times. Though that's more of a habit I taught myself for fun than anything else.
Friday the 13th just became unlucky because of the 13, Idk where they got the Friday from but I do know that 13 is unlucky because of something religious, I foregot it though...


New Member
Aparently, there is some religous thing or something, but aparently, the pope knows when the world will end. The date is handed on from pope to pope and only ever seen by the pope. So, he is the only person in the world that knows when it shall end.

Personally, I dont think its true. I don't beleive in fate. The bible contradicts itself alot.


And yet we get apocolispse theories . . .

Will people please stop saying "lol, for once James has said something useful!"

Its getting on my *beep* now