Are you superstitious?



New Member
Yeah, well done, you set off a chain reaction and now takin teh *beep* out of me is a new craze. Great.

map-1 bringer of darkness, thats a stupid freaking username btw.


New Member
James, please don't insult people, that's called flaming.
I know you didn't start it, but be the big man and end it.
And Raiju, I agree with H_D on this one, the two you pointed out don't make sense.
And as for the bug thing, THAT is stretching it a bit...
And yet we get apocolispse theories . . .[/b]
James, God said He would never destroy the earth by flood every again. He can do it another way, however. Get your facts straight.
Finally, let's not bring religion into this, it's getting a little off-topic since nowhere in the Bible does it say anything about "fate" or "destiny" just that God knows what you will do, but you are still free to do it.


New Member
WHat i said was not flaming. flaming is insulting. what i did was merely get him back with a small unimporant reply. nothing too bad, ok?


New Member
Fine. But I ask you to take my advice. Be the big man, and end it.
Superstitions are just dumb, in my opinion. There is no such thing as luck.


New Member
It seems I am no longer necessary to stop the harsher discussion, with my thanks for that, Undead.

Everyone has their own opinion about being superstitious, therefore I created the thread.
I am still wondering about the fact if a "word can be cursed" :p

As directed to Hunter, yes, Friday the 13 is indeed related to a religion (which I will not go into details) but I've heard more stories about it than I've got posts here on this forum. :p So, it's a little questionable about what to believe.


New Member
have you heard that the pagan's had a 13 month calandar? and guess what? each month would have been 28 days exactly, with only one day left over. (two on leap years). i also heard that the knights templar (an ancestor organisation to the free masons, paradied in the simpons as the stone cutters) were attacked and brutally slaughtered on friday the 13th, though i connot remember what year nor who did it.


New Member
The above 2 don't make sense. Explain the second one more I don't get that one, and the 1st one what is the caba?a?[/b]

I play an "ax? persussion", it's rather bigger than the common ones and its composed by the zabumba, timbau, atabaque and the caba?a. See this picture of a caba?a separated from the percussion


Well, when someone says "x person will die" (either in a joke or seriously) i beat the wood 3 times to "cast away the evil"

I'm not familiar with this one. Though I can recall hearing such a thing when "going between the legs of a person" I'm new to the"pass below a person's arm." I'm having a little hard time to imagine it as well. As for my question:
What am I supposed to imagine with "pass below a person's arm?" You avoid passing someone who has his arm higher than yourself or so? If that is the case, I'd feel very sorry to someone at my school, who only has a part of her legs left. Meaning when she stands up completely, she barely reaches the waist of some people[/b]

i didnt find any picture of it Fladian, but i guarantee you its possible :infernal:


New Member
The knight templars was sluagtered in the 1600's if I remember correct. Atleast that is when the big slaugter of them happened in france by some king. [/b]

yep, that sounds about right.

but does anyone know anything else about the pagan calendar? I have the feeling that what ever happened to it happened after the slaughter, I'd ask my dad but he's asleep.


New Member
Hehe, that's not surprising. :p
No, but seriously. Every time when I say "congratulations" and I really mean it, then something bad will happen. It is starting to get a bit... remarkable.


New Member
I believe in evil spirits possessing people. Not like demons taking control of a person and using them to wreak havoc and destruction, but just people getting possessed by an evil spirit and being driven insane.
For example, I recently saw on the news this thing about a guy who was just an ordinary business man. His wife came home one day to find him going completely insane, tearing up the furniture, screaming things that didn't make any sense, and stuff like that. He was taken to one of those places where crazy people are locked up, and he just kept screaming and tearing at whatever he could reach. I am almost 100 % convinced that he was possessed... uh... this superstition..?
I also believe that nothing happens by coincidence, aliens are real (Not little green men, but humans that live on other planets), I don't believe in bad or good luck things. I used to not believe in fortune cookies, until I got 3 that came true-

1: "A life-changing trial lies ahead of you" (not exactly word for word)
About a month later, I was diagnosed with diabetes.

2: "You will soon be graced by the presence of a loved one"
The very next day, I went out jogging, and I bumped into the girl who I was desperately in love with (exaggeration)

3: "You will live a long life and eat many fortune cookies"
Whoever made these things has a gift... lol :yay:

anyway, in this case, it might have been coincidental. Other than what's listed above, i don't really think i'm superstitious


New Member
I am almost 100 % convinced that he was possessed... uh...[/b]
I rather believe he just snapped, which isn't too strange in the modern time.

I also believe that nothing happens by coincidence, [/b]
I do. But that's because I stopped believing in any religion a few years ago. I learned something I wish I didn't learn back then, therefore not being able to believe in something like faith, or destiny any longer either.

aliens are real (Not little green men, but humans that live on other planets), [/b]
That doesn't really have much to do with being superstitious, Tenebrae. I also believe in 'Aliens,' but I am not able to think of a possible form of them. If there are Aliens, then I highly doubt they are humanoid.

I don't believe in bad or good luck things.[/b]
I do believe in that... a bit more than I should.

I said earlier in this thread (if not at the start) that I have something that I am superstitious in. But because I couldn't remember what it was, I never said it. Yesterday I happened to remember the thing I am superstitious in.
Throughout the last... uh... six years, there has always been someone I would like to, or am trying to impress. Yet when I think of certain thoughts (not necessarily what you might think of when I write this :p but because it varies with quite an amount of things, I won't go into details) with, or of that person it usually ends up quite bad between that person and me, not really caring if that other is male or female, mind you. This is something that came to my thought not too long ago and I started to become all superstitious and all if I couldn't think of such.
I broke that promise to myself a short time ago and I regret it more than most things. I've hit myself, I've made sure I was hurt afterwards and I felt disgusted.


New Member
Well, when I say I don't believe in "bad or good luck" things, I guess what I meant was, I don't believe it is bad luck when a black cat crosses your path, or whatever else there might be. I do believe, however, that it is bad luck to smash a mirror... lol :yay: