Asperger Syndrome



New Member
math? thats no were near as boring as learning japanese

flad thats not rly so bad if threads arnt a success, but if you bring up a discussion to ya friends that only goes for like 5 seconds thats bad :p


New Member
"The Cube" for God's sake, you haven't heard about it? A horror movie. Few random people were threw into set of moving cubes to find the exit. One of those people has authism. Watch it, it is worth it (has some "fleshy" scenes so I warn you).


New Member
To be honest, I always thought that 'The Cube' was quite a famous movie. I guess I was wrong in that... oh well. :p

But like N00by said: "It's worth it." Coming from a person who chooses humor about just anything. :p


New Member
Thje cube is a quite famous film, I've seen part 2, and to be honest it wasn't too great.

Theres a book where the main character has Autism its called "The Mystery of the Dead dog in night time"
it's about a boy who finds his neighbours dog dead in the front garden and forms an investigation about it. It's really good and quite funny :p.


New Member
I never saw part II, but I heard quite a lot of negative stuff about it. I'm not avoiding it, I just can't recall seeing any of the movies on TV and I only saw the first part on a DVD (mind you, I don't have a DVD-player).


New Member
hmmm, thats funny, the sphere is also a horror. it's about this big goldish sphere which is inside a space-craft, at the bottom of the ocean. a team of guys are sent down to investigate it and all hell breaks lose (no, this is not doom). i won't give away the twist but the creatures aren't real, and yet they are.

as for the cube, i haven't even heard of it till you mentioned it. has anyone seen rain man or mercury rising?


New Member
I've seen Mercury Rising quite long time ago. I also own the book called "The Sphere" by Michael Crichton (the film you mentioned was based on it), I have also watched the movie.
Your turning this into a movie discussion thread -_-'

But while we're at it I saw this one movie - dunno what it's called - but this kid's parents are killed and this kid with Autism was found holding a kife and then theres an investigation and stuff but it was really his sister who lkilled them and the little boy just never talked but liked playing with cards and stuff....

Ok now I'm just rambling..