Being drunk...


New Member
Anyways, Werewulf, I hope Flad's overly long (but very much needed) post has given you something to think about. [/b]
It isn\'t long! The quote signs don't seem to work.

Someone I knew came up with an idea to stop people from smoking cigs. He said, "Make the cigs deadly after the third one. People will take one, maybe two, but stop there."[/b]
Won't work. Not to mention will the creator of it be sued, (or forced to take three of them) but it is far too dangerous for the world population. I am guessing that 1/3th of the world population smokes. I am guessing that of those 1/3, 1/7 is a person who can't stop, even if he wanted to. Do the maths, (I'm bad at it) you'll see that we'll lose a lot of people. Even if it would mean losing their own life.
By coincedence, I've seen (unfortunately, not all of it) a movie of Stephen King a short while ago. It was about someone who had to stop smoking, if he didn't, his family would get in danger, and eventually, himself. It is a great example to where an addiction could lead to. The movie is called something like 'In the cat's sight'. Though it may sound "corny" from me, but anything that can be considerd 'a name', is something I fail to remember.


New Member
and to think this all began a long time ago, in our (im assuming everyone here is less than 20) parent's "gold age"

in that age, cigars were luxurious things that give status, and all students who prematurely smoke would be the badasses

now that the information of the poison it is, is spread, they cant stop becauser theyre lifetime addicted, my parents used to smoke until my grandfather died of cancer, it waked them up to reality

the real pity is that there are still youngs who wants to smoke for nothing more than status
Ahh this is great from "Great memories with drunk friends" to "Stop werewulf from smoking" thread.

But no, I'll say it now but I know I can't predict the future, I will not drink. As "Great" people might say it is I refuse too. Addictitions aren't good and never will be. It would be likt walking into the woods and walking furthur and then not being able to go back because your lost. Don't drink. Don't do drugs. Simple.


New Member
The movie is called something like 'In the cat's sight'.[/b]
I saw that. And read his short story of which the movie was based. Very good.
And Flad, the idea would work. People will do anything to survive, even if it means giving up an addiction.
Also, who cares if the cigarette companies were sued? They deserve it.


New Member
People will do anything to survive, even if it means giving up an addiction.[/b]
I don't really think so. Perhaps some will, but still a large amount would not be able to give up, even if they would want to.

Also, who cares if the cigarette companies were sued? They deserve it.[/b]
They've had their good points as well. Seeing them end up in ruin is not really my intention or something I'd like to see, even though 'cigarettes' did more bad things in my life than good. Though I guess that counts for most people.


New Member
Yes then dont smoke or prepare to die! and we will use this as a private harass Werewulf for smoking thread!![/b]
Do that and you will be warned.
However, Werewulf, try to understand, we only have your best interests in mind.
PS: 1000 posts baby!


New Member
Don't drink. Don't do drugs. Simple.
It's not always as simple as you make it sound, Hunter, that's just the problem. Often of the time, people are forced to "drink" or take "drugs", whether they like it or not. Though it is not always forced, even more often, the people around you won't give you a choice. The constant encouraging of: "come on, try this" or anything similar.

Though the question has come from both sides from me when I started to smoke, or drink, I never did get addicted to it. When I started to drink, I drank far too much for the first time, and saw a lot of things I wouldn't want to see. So I doubt I'll drink such an amount again for quite some time. I stopped my 'smoking' when I heard someone didn't like it.

...I have a train to catch...


New Member
the poor doesnt even show her furry face anymore xD

i have many stories about my firends in the carnival, however, somehow, i cant remember them, maybe i was drunk too i dunno
It's not always as simple as you make it sound, Hunter, that's just the problem. Often of the time, people are forced to "drink" or take "drugs", whether they like it or not. Though it is not always forced, even more often, the people around you won't give you a choice. The constant encouraging of: "come on, try this" or anything similar.
If your friends force you to do something they shouldn't be your friends. Simple :D