Being drunk...


New Member
This is definately one of those better safe then sorry occaisions. So please don't smoke, not even one. Cos if you have one there is less to stop you from having another one, then another one and before you realise you're addicted and on the road to a very unpleasant death. Everyone I know who smoked/smokes says it has stuffed up their lives.


New Member
*shakes head and feels helpless*
Haven't you seen the adds where they cut up someone and show you all the tar/gunk they get out of them?


New Member
can u tell me where i can get some? i cant get some cuz im too young..and if is teal one well this town is small and rumours spread easy.


New Member
No, but that's how it starts 95% of the time. Why do you want to smoke a cigarette anyway? Is there someone pressuring you into doing it? Am I the only one trying to save Wulf from herself? Or is everyone just offline at the moment?


New Member
Just like all drugs, alcohol included, it makes you happy at first (although I think smoking would also make you cough at first) but later when you are addicted you feel sad all the time and need it just to feel normal. You don't get the same effect plus it costs you heaps of money. What if you met this really nice guy you both liked each other and you lit up and he walked away?


New Member
X is correct

diving yourself in the drug ocean will only make you sink more and more each passing day, in a helpless typhoon of fear, addict and loneliness


New Member
i usta be agaisnt drugs and smoking.. i know how u feel..but...i just want to try...and i mean..they didnt invent booze and cigs for nothin.
EDIT: life changes.. i but soon u will want them..