Being drunk...


New Member
i havnt killed an actual person o_O ? well..not that i know of.
i vowed not too drink and to do that have "you know what" after marraige(im still a virgin though) of a a different person..
but booze is hrd to get..the pubs a good place to sneak me thinks...but now that i think of it..evil peoples..and people that know me are there..


New Member
Well it does actually kill your brain, each drup of alcohol kills a certain amount of brain cells, the amount for a glass of bear would be around 100.000 neurones.
you do not have to panic that much over one glass of beer though, seeing a brain contains over more than a dozen bilion neurones.


New Member
I know what it is called, Undead, but that word would not fit in the sentence I created ;) You're wrong about the addiction level though. Though I could have been mistaking here as well.

I prefer not to go into details though. That's because I don't know much about the details :p


New Member
What do you mean? The effect of being drunk? Then, yes. Most of the time at least.

I did manage to remember everything afterwards. It's just that it is quite some time ago, therefore I can't rememberit clearly anymore.


New Member
I just got real drunk 2 times, all the others i just got, dunno how to say in english...happy

the first was when i drunk alcoholic beverage for the 1st time in my life, i just remember getting all the middle-empty glasses of tequila and champagne at the end of the reveillon party. I remeber trying to get some ice-cream but i couldnt because my hands were shaking too much, unfortunately i dont remenber nothing more except of a cold shower. thtas was about 3 years ago

the second was when i went out with my friends to comemorate our recent breakthrough into manhood, its not much time since that, i remember saying a lot of sh!t, and walking as dizzy as a "pión"

But im usually very careful when i drink, i dont like to be drunk, i think you can have much more fun without drinking that much in a party

hey wulf, whats the age limit to legally drink alcohol in Australia? here is 16