Being drunk...


New Member
hm..think its i cant buy its kinda hard on me..
i could sneak to the pub and ask someone to get it for me though but if i did meh.


New Member
ben you can drink at anyage :D [/b]
Depends on the nation. There are nations that set limitations, though I never really heard anyone keep them selves to those rules.

isnt alcohol drugs?!?
bad fladian..
What? I don't drink that much =\

Well, "drunk" is still being called "cool" in general. Even though I don't drink (too) much, it is pretty funny.


New Member
Giving it to a baby is an option, though it is something that you'll me suggest. :p But then again, having a baby is not really my ideal way of living at the age I'm on :p

Alcohol is a form of a drug, though drinking pure alcohol is impossible. ;) You are free to prove me wrong if you'll try it ;)


New Member
Alchohol is and is not a drug...
It's a drug,because it's addictive(you take one,then two,then three...and so on)
It's not a drug because...i forgot what i was going to say...<.<...


New Member
The legal age to drink in australia is 18. I don't really like drinking. I've been drunk once and I didn't like it. I prefer to have all my senses working. Besides, coke cola keeps me awake whereas alcohol makes me very tired. Someone mentioned that their friend couldn't have any alcohol, it reminded me of my grade 7 teacher (last year of primary skool for international readers) and whenever she had a drop of alcohol she would fall asleep straight away, she couldn't handle it for some reason. I'm not that bad though, I went through most of a bottle of white wine (it was free from cash converters) there were two cups left. I also had one cup of bourbon and some really black, smooth stuff that I can't remember the name of. Kinda like sarsparilla but alcoholic and not fizzy, I think. So I don't like drinking. Coke Cola is better.


New Member
cigs are worse then alcohol, they kill you slowly and painfully as well as anyone around you. plus they're 100 times more addictive then alcohol. once you have a few you can't just stop having them. Don't do cigs, I know from second hand expirence, some of my friends took them up and now they want to quit but can't. I have no problem with other people drinking as long as they accept that I don't, but I do have a problem with smokers.