And I really don't think religion is tied into carnivals[/b]
totally wrong igloo
i dont know any carnvivals like raijus[/b]
jejeje, thx, altough the biggest carnival of the world is brazilian's, i still prefer mine =]
No, seriously. It really isn't related? Then what is the original source of carnival?[/b]
the roots are pagan, but were mixed with catolicism
Wasn't the original carnivals just a gathering in towns to do some fun stuff?[/b]
Wrong again igloo! xD
Raiju, would you happen to know more about carnavals in that case? It looks like that Undead and I are stuck here.[/b]
I know more about latino carnivals, especially mine
Hehe, actually when I was thinking of carnivals, I was kinda reminded by Lord of the Rings..

You know, Bilbo's Birthday.[/b]
Undead, at least Tamaulipas' carnival has nothing like bilbo B-day...
Ok, due to the increased number of questions and incorrect answers (xD) im going to discurse about this (ok, im getting a little too proud of myself)
Keep in mind that carnival has its roots long time ago, longer even than the Aztec civilizaton (altough it has a big influence of it)
Resuming, carnival is a 5-day monstruous party that comemorates, in each day, joy, libido, prosperity, worshipness and blood
We have MANY attractions in our carnival, too many that wont even list all of them, for example, we have the "Evening of the Opressed Husband" and "The Night of the Beauty Queen" and "Dawn of the Bloody Sun". and there it goes, in each of the 5 days, we have a certain period dedicated to something
As you can guess, in each day we comemorate more intensely the "intentions" of the day, like Joy, its a day totally dedicated to fun, Libido, totally dedicated to sex and sensual dances, Prosperity, to the ever-growth economy, the success of the plantations and hunting. Worshipness, dedicated to both God and the old pagan gods, Blood, to the "sacredness" of our family and the promise of furious retaliation against our enemies
Its tradition of our carnival to wear masks in certain days, these masks are artesanal and represent your dedication (they are hand-maded by yourself, but we sell them to tourists)
In certain days we also have many musical attractions (for me, the best part of the carnival)
And in the final days we have a great display of fireworks
Altough a 5-day celebration, we began to mobilize ourselves in the "carnival climax" a lot of tiem before, as i mentioned before we had a week of "pre-carnival" from 1-7 february, In fact, carnival truly consumes the whole month, until it ends in the catolic holiday "Ash Wednesday"
Note that the carnival celebrations vary from your location, port-cities (like mine) are diferent than the capital's, jungle's and desert's celebrations
So, if you want, music, religious and historical celebrations, many fun with a lot of girls ready for the taking, dont hesitate coming here =]
ok, my brilliant moment is over xD