Veritas said:well first i say fuck the bunny, i shoot bunnies, for fun and sport.
second you may have lived in "fort worth" but like so many cities and states in this country there are lines and some cities have two sides. Fort Worth is that way and so is arlington. on one side the avg home is 330k
and family incomes is 125k and up or around there. on the other side or sides the avg home is 45k and the avg income for a family is 30k a year. now wether that side is out were the country people live in rags, or wether its where thugs and gangstas rome, its still a diff side.
as far trying to do something to help others in this world or what ever bs socialist shit you were saying, fuck you.
I say that because of my background and where i came from. I spent the first 7 years of my life homeless. when i was 12 i lived for a year off canned soup which we ate waterd down to nothing. Thru this all my family did nothing but give of what we could to help others amd it never made since to me to see my mother give 20 bucks to other families when she and i knew that 20 for a month was damn near 5 percent of our cash flow for that month.
fast forward. my family owns 4 houses. my mom makes 215k+ a year, among the three of us we own 6 cars and we have what we want and need. And we still give and do for others, above and beond what we can. we have lived off of 1/4 of out monthly income at times to help others.
So if we want to by a piece of metal, put diamonds in it, and wear it in our fucking mouths, we got every right. And realy see if we care of your opinon of whats stupid or in, and whats tasteful and whats not. But to say we should spend our money on what ever the bs you think we should, or that we wast what we have to get what we want, fuck you.
lol that sounds like some kind of lifetime movie
my opinion...even if i had that much money i wouldn't spend it on tacky shit that makes my teeth look horrible like that...but once's my opinion...