What kinda name is 'chuck' anyway? Reminds me of chuck steak..or chunky noodle soup.
Oh wait let me try a few:
Chuck norris once stepped on a quarter and squished a booger out of washington's nose.
The world doesn't spin on its axis, its just Chuck Norris walking west.
Only two things are certain in life: Chuck Norris and Taxes.
Chuck Norris put the bomp In the bomp bah bomp bah bomp
He also put the ram in the rama lama ding dong.
He is also the Lizard King (sorry bud :-P)
Chuck norris eats microwaved babies for nourishment.
He is also the reason Americans dont like Soccer.
Chuck norris once punched a wal-mart, causing the falling prices to kill two store employees and consequently made the smiley face frown
Chuck Norris is a mathematical prodigy: one half of chuck norris is still one chuck norris. Thus, one tenth of chuck is still one chuck - therefore the chuck we see is a sum of infinute chuck norrises O_O