Chuck Norris



New Member
DiLLa said:
Bruce Lee would make chuck norris lick his dead balls if he came back to life

thats true... and talking of Bruce Lee. I saw this shpw with Chuck Norris, he was promoting some kind of Streetfight Championship that he is organazing ...anyway they asked him how it was training with Bruce Lee and all that stuff. And he said that after B.L. went back to Asia and started doing all those movies he called him(CN) to ask if he wants to play in some gladiator movie together with him. You know what was CN's first question?? Who wins in the movie?
I was fuckin ROFL.....
That championship his promoting looks purty leet. 5 guys and 1 girl in one team. So its like 6 matches in one game. Showed some footage......kinda like K1...


New Member
Chuck Norris, unlike most people, is able to breathe in the vacuum of space. In fact, anything else would damage his respiratory system. Because of this, whenever he's visiting Earth, he wears a respirator, which resembles a kickass beard.


New Member
Chuck Noris and a baby are similar in that both a baby and Chuck Noris can stay in a woman for 9 months while giving the woman no pain.


New Member
Chuck Norris is a shitty actor that is getting way too much undeserved attention.

And he doesn't read books - he stares them down until he gets the information he wants.