counter stike + cold = bad aim


New Member
So intro and I have been trying to save money for drugs by not using the heater in our house.
Well I got home around 12am last night and decided to sit down and play for about an hour. The temp. in my room was a brisk 56F. I couldn't aim for shit...there were a couple of times that I walked right up to people from behind (keyboard hand was ok) and couldn't line up the sights...over compenstated back and forth until thay they turned around, reloaded, then Head shoted me. I got pissed and quit at 1-9 on Corruption (I love that map)
I mean sometimes (often) my aim is off but I've noticed that the colder it is the hard it is to aim.
Anyone ever trying playing when it's cold inside and have the same effect on aim?
Does this happen at the other extreme like when it's 90 degrees? Cause I don't plan on turning the AC on this summer either.


New Member
It's probably because when it's cold, your joints stiffen so that would probably make it hard to move your wrist the way you want to.


New Member
rofl you athens guys are hilarious, no heat for drugs.
i used to live on milledge court right up from the loop
and close to the waffle house, w00t. i still have one
friend living there, but dunno where...


New Member
yeh cold makes everything harder...even ur car makes more noises when its cold at first..shocks and everything...heat gives you better blood flow summer time will be fine


New Member
What if the drug dealer already pays rent?


Stiff joints you say? I always have liked to roll 'em tight. No really - makes sense. I hate playing when it's cold. And lately if I start out playing sober and toke a bowl as I go, I hit a huge slump. I usually battle back once I get usta the buzz, but there is a definite down-time when the reefer sets in..

Now we just gotta get you guys to keep the server full 24/7 - its 2pm and I'm ready to dead some folks. Buncha students and day jobs.. Suckas.


New Member
The fact that he's still on the run is amazing. This guy unholstered an officers gun, shot 4 people on the 8th floor of the courthouse, managed to get out of the building, carjacked at LEAST four cars, and is still on the run. You almost want to repsect the guy until you remember the fact that he is FUCKING PSYCHO.

But yeah, a helluva shot apparently. Just a few sandwiches shy of a picnic.

BTW, did I mention he's CUCKOO.

And also, word is he was caught just days earlier trying to sneak homemade knives - shivs, people - into the courtroom. Now call me Sandy, but if I were anyone involved, that would've been a pretty fucking big red flag.

Ah well, que sera sera..
well the heat from a 1,000 w lamp produces almost much heat as an avrage heater, so instead of saving money, you could have been keeping warm and toasty watching a garden of naked girls all winter just waiting to rape them come spring. $2k in gear will give you 5+ years of personal suply. Of course if you live in any country that it might be illegal, I in no way am recomending or condoning anything like that for you.

just remember don't tell anyone. Lose lips sink ships as the saying goes.


New Member

Hilarious to look back and see this now.

These days, my only problem when playing is my back sticking to the seat and my oscillating fan drying my eyes out. Southeast, how I love thee.

Can you say sea-son-al?


New Member
BillyTheKid said:

Congratulations! You've won the "Random Ass Quote Of The Day" Award.

Your prize?



"Duuuuuust iiiiiiiiin the wiiiiiiiind,
All we aaaaaare is duuuust in theee wi-i--iiiind.."