counter stike + cold = bad aim



New Member
i've been playing the past week with pneumonia. it's hard as hell to shoot when you're coughing up blood and trying to stop your nose from bleeding.... and yet i've been whooping ass all week with like 4 to 1 ratios. I play best when sick or dead tired. I'd play now except that i am fixin to pounce my neighbor. 8) later ya'll


New Member
Sorry to hear your sick Fox. Had no idea that you were sick while you PWND MY ASS ROUND AFTER ROUND IN CBBLE YOU SNIPER SLUT!!!! :wink:

Get well soon!


New Member
Puppet said:
Sorry to hear your sick Fox. Had no idea that you were sick while you PWND MY ASS ROUND AFTER ROUND IN CBBLE YOU SNIPER SLUT!!!! :wink:

Get well soon!

my aim was off due to the coughing but yeah that was a trip gg on that one man