The original subject, oh yeah. What was it again?
My intention was to reply this morning, but I placed some other priorities higher than replying and had some other things to do during the afternoon, excuse me.
Swimming party? Oh that brings back memories. A few years ago, during my last year of high school, together with a friend we had to write as if we were pretending to organise a bit party. We had to make all preperations with a certain amount of money. We were a bit short of time - and even more because of a giant accident later on - but we managed to do it as well.
We decided to write about a "swimming party." As a result, we had one of the highest grades from class... though mostly thanks to me, even if that may sound like bragging. It remains funny how we kept laughing at two of our classmates, who created a small football league. The little money we had to spend was by far not enough to invite some of those clubs.
I'll tell you this though, Tenebrae. After being very social for a specific doesn't mean that you suddenly turned into a "social person." There is a saying: "You can't change overnight." It was something that I wanted to prove wrong, but I failed horribly. That I am a completely different person than I was a few years ago is a fact, there is little to say about it. At a certain point a few years ago, I decided that I wanted to change. I've told that story before here. That didn't mean that I was able to act ocmpletely different all of the time after I decided. No human is able to change overnight. Perhaps their mind could, but the body wouldn't agree with it. Because of that, I gained a very incosistent personality; meaning that the one day I acted like an outgoing person and the other time a very timid and shy guy. The incosistency became less every passing day, but I never managed to stay the way I wanted to be for a full week straight. The question kept coming back to me: "When until I'm finally the person who I want to be?"
By coincidence, I managed to answer that question to myself a little while ago. As a matter of fact, I came to the conclusion that the incosistency was over already. I was just in need of a little push in the back to get me to the person I wanted to be. But because I didn't know I was in need of that push, I never completely changed. Luckily, a
friend of mine unaware of it, gave me that last little push. I am what I am now... and I never have been happier before in my life... and it's only getting better. (If I make my remake exams good, then my week/month couldn't get any better) Because of that, in a few weeks, I want to heavily consider about going to stop to be Fladian Lince.
Two days ago was the 'crown of my work' completed. Anyone who knew me from those few years ago, wouldn't possibly recognize me anymore - except if I forgot to shave. I don't even look the same as those years ago, and my personality has nothing left that people once knew me of. Even the gender of the people I hang out with changed.
Oh, and for those who actually recognize it. I'm probably having the best day in months right now. If I had to say something that annoyed me today was the pouring rain, but even that had its advantages.
I can't remember being this happy before in months now...