Curse of a loner


New Member
Its good that you've become sociable,I've changed my view on being a loner,recently, and don't think that it's a good thing at all.[/b]
"Sometimes its better to be alone, nobody can hurt you."

but make sure that u can really trust your friends (even when they're drunk,lol) [/b]
I guess that's where I made a mistake. Friends are extremely important to me, but after knowing one for more than eleven years - and being friends for all those years - I made a small judgement mistake about him, something that I may regret for a long, long time. But before I will regret it more than I already do, I want to check this out until the very core. Therefore, what you say is true in my point of view.

Being drunk does not affect everyone the way some people may think. I don't change when I'm drunk as example, and an old friend of mine used to start to acting weird when he has a single drop of alcohol. When there was a party, and they knew he would be around, another bottle of a non-alcoholic drink was bought, just for him. :p Some said that he would get "drunk" from that as well, but not as bad.

because last night one of the people I considered a real friend,punched me in the face (his hardest but I was fine,HA !) just because he was drunk. [/b]
Some don't really have much control over what they do when they're drunk. I doubt he knew what he did if he was drunk, don't blame him too much.

The funny thing is the boy who hit me used to be aloner himself until we "took him under our wing" and he got popular,and really cocky.[/b]
Quick, and many changes in a small amount of time tend to lead to arrogance. Therefore that people tend to change slowly and over time. Not to mention that popularity is often the main cause of arrogance of a person. It's quite a simple matter.

So If your gonna go out more,watch who you hang around with and don't get cocky,young 'un :D .
That first part counts for everything, doesn't it? ^^

Take you with me? I dont think I can do that :p

It's tonight :eek:
*kicks his desk*

Fortunately, the people I hang out with don't drink, and for most of them, I really doubt they ever will. And I don't really intend on becoming popular, just not as antisocial as I have been.
After all, being social and being popular are two different things. There used to be a guy in my class - he recently quit school, otherwise I'd say he is a classmate - that was extremely social. As a matter of fact, he was a real active guy. Not only a "player," but quite... active. It didn't make him popular though. Truth is that most people knew him, but that doesn't make someone popular.