How about this for you guys...WHO CARES!!! sorry had tog et that outta my system.But seriously who cares what browser is better they all have there flaws and advantages some more then others but nothing is perfect and if it was perfect it would be god, and i dont want to bring god into this, so we should just make one browser for everyone can use that way it would be alot easier for websitedesigners who have problems with there coding due to the different browsers and how they read it.
While I agree that it doesn't matter what browser you use, I have a couple comments to make:
First, monopolies - ie. "One Browser To Rule Them All" (Couldn't resist.) - suck. Plus we already have one - Internet Explorer.
Second, browser incompatibility is nearly always caused by whoring too many overly complicated scripts, generally made with the use of either "Copy and Paste" or WYSIWYG editors. The code that these pages have almost always makes my eyes bleed.
This brings me to my last comment, I like to use
netcat as my browser, ftp client, and mail client from time to time. (I use wget for downloading.) I use those two programs more often that I use Internet Explorer to tell the truth.