Yet you keep posting about it. Don't immediately assume that flaming will be involved. I've seen more than enough 'religion' threads without even a sign of a flame.
Regardless of all browsers, I am quite used to my Maxthon. I personally think that a 'browser' is "good" when it doesn't let you down. I mean, I never had any complain about Maxthon as long as I used it... well, except one. It has a nasty "close all" option I tend to click once in a while by accident or when I'm sleepy. Though it isn't really much of a problem, for some reason I always tend to click it when I'm working on a story which I didn't save (yet).

Quite a pain to lose something like that... it happened quite often too, mind you.
Pretty funny that Maxthon's former name was 'MyIE2,' which is a name I used for a while too when I referred to my browser - well, duh. Many people assumed I meant the Internet Explorer (IE) though...
I have little experience with others browsers, such as Opera or Firefox.