FrIeNdLy FiRe & Ur WoRsT MiStAkEs O.o


New Member
my worst ff kill would be when I was at waverider and got my rpg *first match using it* and my friend got in front of me and I shot, little did I know 2 other teammates were around me and they all had 10- hp, not fast enough to react to my friend it HITS HIM IN THE FACE!and then it kills my 3 teammates including the guy in front and I get a TEAMMATE MULTI KILL

Jordan B

Active Member
FF teamkills don't count toward combo's :O !

My Clanmates (some) have slow pc's, I was being stupid , they were in game but idling in base , not playing yet , threw a nade , <<<<< BOOM >>>>>>

Killed all 4 of them . :O !


New Member
FF teamkills don't count toward combo's :O !

My Clanmates (some) have slow pc's, I was being stupid , they were in game but idling in base , not playing yet , threw a nade , <<<<< BOOM >>>>>>

Killed all 4 of them . :O !

of course they dont. but if u were to add up the deaths it would be a fantastic

Jordan B

Active Member
Yea lol . So I got a . . . . . . . Ultra with FF ? ? ?

Lol . I love killing my teammates , especially glitching noobs .


Active Member
*** i was playing DR with ff on so i was gunna headshot an enemy dude and one of my mates came infront of my fire line so i killed him...and i took down da enemy dude....


New Member
Worst friendly fire? I was at rattle snake killing like nuts I'm talking 20 kills 20 hp left. I was camping up at the top of the steps outside of alphas base. One of team mates tossed a damn grenad. That was the end of me. Funny thing is he took my gun after he did it.


New Member
My worst experience was during a clan war. on snow valley

I threw a grenade around a corner, thinking enemies were there, and at the same time turned around to see a enemy 50 ft behind me, I shoot at him with a sniper, but a teammate jumps right in front of the bullet. it killed both enemy and him.


and soon after the grenade I threw, blew up, taking 3 of my teammates and another enemy.

My clan wasn't that happy with me, =p.


New Member
OMG!! My worst team kill is I was at Sand Hog and we were playing Search and Destroy and I was on the Bravo team and I set a mine then a teammate walks right in to it killing me, him, and another person on my team


New Member
I...always...accidentally...shoot...teammates. I'm a very jittery person, so when I have my shotgun out, I go crazy whenever I see anything that looks remotely like a person. Tree! BANG! Enemy! HEADSHOT! Friend! Oops...I try not to join FF on games...

That sounds exactly like me
I rarely play on FF