FrIeNdLy FiRe & Ur WoRsT MiStAkEs O.o



New Member
rly dumb

I was in snowvalley and I was on top of the "sniping building" kill some guys when I jumped on a rail, and to my supirise, I guess lagged but then I sorta teleported to an edge on the big rocket thing near th ebuilding and I had a perfect shot of this guy and I was just about to make it when one of my team mates tried to get to my and missed and flew past me and I shot him....My target went away....An the team mate I shot killed me after I got to a cool place.

This isn't rly one of MY mistakes, its just that the fact that the target had the flag and they had a score of 6/7.....It was pretty messed up...


New Member
I also agree, in rattlesnake there are many glitchers and when i find 1 in my team i take my shotty out and make his game a living hell


I think friendly fire doesn't go far enough. I strongly believe that in order to play combat arms, players need to wear explosive collars


New Member
All in the same clanwar..(CTF Sandhog)

Myself and Eternalbob kept throwing down our mines on our flag but we failed to realize that we pretty much had the other team pinned in their spawn and were just spawning them. So not exaggerating, there were about 20+ mines on the flag...

Anyway, one of our guys grabbed the enemy flag and was on his way to return in. 3 of us just spawned and were walking by the flag to push out and cover key points when he jumped onto the flag bay and.. well.. lets say it was a really big explosion and cost us a flag.. 4 deaths..

Before the above, I was screwing around with fire grenades and was trying to toss it into the window on catwalk.. normally i'm okay with getting it up there but I apparently missed and it bounced back to my team mate behind me who was afk.. he was pretty pissed.

The enemy had our flag and was running on catwalk.. I came up ramp to try to intercept him and had my sniper rifle out in scope. My team mate was chasing him. As soon as he popped into my scope i took the shot which would have been an easy head shot but he decided to duck when he turned the corner and my bullet went right into my buddies chest. >_< (if it makes things better.. i pistoled the flag carrier and recovered)


New Member
I shot a LAW [I picked it up off the ground] and hit a teammate in the center of the back when he stepped infront of me. Needless to say, neither of us survived the encounter.

I can't tell you how many "oh SH**" moments I have with hand grenades. If it's possible to bounce it back at my feet, I'll find a bloody way. It's led to many moments of blindness at the worst bloody times.


New Member
Once my clan mate threw a flash nade into the enemies spawn. I got blinded, and well. Shot about everything inside. And I was the only one left.

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