You know, when I was in school, I fucking hated it. My solution? I didn't go, and fucked off when I did. This landed me multiple truancy charges which fucked up my record, and also got my license suspended for 6 months before I got it, and a few $1000 in fines. Then I finally got out of it and out into the workforce, where I found out I should have stayed in it.
I can tell you honestly, there's not a day in my life that goes by that I wouldn't slit someones throught for the opportunity to turn back time and be in high school again.
Advantages of high school:
- FREE FOOD (or at least your parents pay for it)
- OTIS SPUNKMYER COOKIES (ok that ones a joke)
- More than 2 friends
- GIRLS, very easy girls, and girls you don't have to support.
- Parties...i guess it's just more fun when you're not alloud
- Did I mention no financial responsibility?
- No 9-5
- Weekends off, ALWAYS
- School sports
blah blah blah, I could go on, but the point here is; STAY IN SCHOOL, you'll wish you could have stayed longer when you get older...EVERYONE does.