

New Member
Actualy my town is full of rich little fucking bratty kids, Retarded soccer moms, CEO asshole dads who don't spend nytime with there kids, Retarded girls ( girl in my history class asked how du conqoer some one and who won world war 1 i swear to god i wanted to stand and spritz her in the eye with salt water) and then there are the people who dont live in fucking mansions and have to deal with real problems such as deabt, divorcies, and supporting theyre own family. (this would be me)


New Member
You know, when I was in school, I fucking hated it. My solution? I didn't go, and fucked off when I did. This landed me multiple truancy charges which fucked up my record, and also got my license suspended for 6 months before I got it, and a few $1000 in fines. Then I finally got out of it and out into the workforce, where I found out I should have stayed in it.

I can tell you honestly, there's not a day in my life that goes by that I wouldn't slit someones throught for the opportunity to turn back time and be in high school again.

Advantages of high school:

- FREE FOOD (or at least your parents pay for it)
- OTIS SPUNKMYER COOKIES (ok that ones a joke)
- More than 2 friends
- GIRLS, very easy girls, and girls you don't have to support.
- Parties...i guess it's just more fun when you're not alloud
- Did I mention no financial responsibility?
- No 9-5
- Weekends off, ALWAYS
- School sports

blah blah blah, I could go on, but the point here is; STAY IN SCHOOL, you'll wish you could have stayed longer when you get older...EVERYONE does.


New Member
I'll be going to school my whole life, not just because I'll be a phys ed teacher, but because it's part of the whole continued learning thing. I have to take a certain amount of classes (I think 2) every year. I don't min though, I love my field of work and in all honesty I'm not gonna be a phys ed teacher who just "rolls the ball out", that's a gym teacher.


New Member
I`m on the same page as you are Deviant. I`ve worked for the Board of Ed in Bridgeport, Ct for 7 years now and other than being a pharmacist a phys ed teacher is the way to go. Just think, you only work 190 days a year,you get all the holidays off (big ones and small ones),and don`t forget the snow days, summers off, and have the option of working summers for more money,and what do you do all day? You play dodge ball, whiffle ball, basketball etc. I`ve worked many jobs in my life because I screwed up in school and did`nt go to collage and by far a gym teacher is one of the best jobs to have if your a simple person. Now don`t get me wrong there are alot of jobs out there that you can make alot more money but in my next life I`m gonna be a gigolo or a gym teacher


New Member
Deviant said:
I'm not gonna be a phys ed teacher who just "rolls the balls out", that's a gym teacher.


You even put it in quotations in case we weren't in the gutter..

