I know plenty of girls who play FPS. Heck, I know a grandmother who spends hundreds of hours playing a FPS
I also think the idea that women who play FPS are lesbians/are aggressive is very ignorant and naive. Sorry, but only about 1/8th of the girls who play FPS are lesbian
guy has anyone checked greatfullded's kdr it has gone really low , he has .169 now really big problem he or she may hve gone bad , and Emnesty is really high kdr it has 3.70 amazing
1.7 is still better than the K/D of a good portion of the members of this site
It's above 1/1, which in my book, that's what matters. When you get a 2/1 K/D you're making up for that one noob on the 56k line who's getting more deaths than shots fired.
I doubt either Greatful or Emn are female. Greatful just spends TIME on Combat Arms. I doubt s/he does much in the way of anything else. It's not skill, it's just overwhelming time and energy. I'm not saying Great isn't a good player, but if he reaches General of the Army first, it's because he decided Combat Arms was better than life.
I wouldn't spend that much time on a free game. That's almost as bad as getting to level 140 on Runescape [I got to level 120 *cough*]
yeah...you speak the truth...and...a GRANMA!?!?!?!?!..
I've played with a few girls on Halo that weren't any of the above; in fact, one of my friends has his wife play... and she's not lesbian nor aggressive.Well the other day I met a charming girl on CA. It was weird because it's not very often that girls are playing FPS or even violent games. What do you guys think? I mean the only type of girls I can imagine are aggressive ones, lesbians, and aggressive lesbians! XD
Spike is that your sister ? ? ? Epic bumpage for an old thread because I support girls playing fps's.