Hell Gamers Gaming Forum

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Active Member
Ill had a pissy fit because I deleted his nudey picture lol the girls looked underage and I didn't want that shit on my site. Oh well. Not too hard to find a new host with vB. At least the guy that's going to be hosting the site now isn't completely fucked in the head. :)


Active Member
Oh and lol at the nice little video Ill left as a parting gift and the "You Got Jewed" thing.. Pretty ironic since he kinda jewed himself with that.. lol


New Member
Jews? We had nothing to do with it. Might've been a rogue. I'll hunt him down, don't worry.

In the meantime, I point and laugh in your general direction.


New Member
I didn't run it... but I didn't like the fact that it was filled with douche bags. rocktrns as a moderator? Sink low too much? The place was a hole and there was nothing but spam. Every post consisted of 5-10 words with a complete lack of intelligence.

I'm pretty sure the staff at http://www.xforgery.com deleted the topic, but they pretty summed up "hell gamer". An immature staff that can barely run a site that needs to spam on other boards.

You'll get your friends to join, and thats about it, it will never be a serious site.


Active Member
Well it is kinda true. Illspirit is a douche bag. I'm sure he knows that too.. lol

Banned my tech because poor little Ill got scared. Told a cute little story about he got some kid's ass kicked for trying to screw him over.

My tech: "Lawl @ e-thuggin"

Ill: "Shirley isn't too far from here, let's e-thug it up"

My tech mentions his connections the government.

Ill bans him, then goes on about how if he points the gun at him he better pull the trigger.. even though Ill was the one pointing the gun in the first place.. even if that gun was one of those joke guns that have the little *BOOM* message pop out.

Poor little Ill got scared haha, got something to hide from the government Ill? :D
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