Active Member
I didn't run it... but I didn't like the fact that it was filled with douche bags. rocktrns as a moderator? Sink low too much? The place was a hole and there was nothing but spam. Every post consisted of 5-10 words with a complete lack of intelligence.
I'm pretty sure the staff at deleted the topic, but they pretty summed up "hell gamer". An immature staff that can barely run a site that needs to spam on other boards.
You'll get your friends to join, and thats about it, it will never be a serious site.
Lmao.. whatever you say Ill. Even though that the only "spamming" was done in the PWT which was a place for spamming, to keep it out of all the other threads. There were some pretty legit topics. Rocktrns was just because he said he would get members, didn't really do that though. It wasn't a good decision on my part. Rocktrns was the only one spamming as well.. You must have missed the part where I told him to stop spamming other sites. Hmm, of course you left that part out.
The funniest thing about this.. is something you probably don't even know of. It's my dirty little secret and boy it is hilarious!