i own the page


New Member
WOW everybody we have an english major, no one cares what you think or say rootworm cause i frankly can't stop laughing at all your forums. This is all you do with your time thats sad, fucking sad.

Is that grammer good enough for you fucker?

o yeah forgot to capitalize the F cause from now on thats your new name.


New Member
I dont have anything better to do either. I'm reading all your posts and find them to be worthless drivel except for 2 of them. Hey, stop posting and get on the server so we can shank your ass. :lol: Come on our server with rootworm as your tag so that we know who to hunt down in the maps. I'll make you pink so that we can get right to you quickly. It may be the first time in CZ history that both teams stop firing on one another long enough to drop you.


New Member
so by you replying and comenting on our posts your demonstrating that you care what we say and what we say matters to you. and again are you insulting the fact that i am canadian? because if you are your racist and retarded. and im sorry i dont waste my time spell checking every post i have better things to do like choking the chicken, playing hockey, working 40 hrs a week something you never had to do when you were 18, smoke pot whith friends something you dont have in real life. so i apologise if i dont spell perfectly or bother with punctuation.

i look forward to shooting the pink man puppet it will give me something to do when its 11 on 2


New Member
I don't smoke pot.....often. Someone isn't a loser if they don't toke. Everyone does their own thing, which is what it's all about. No regrets, that's my motto...that and, everybody wang chung tonight.


New Member
thats not intirely what i ment sword. and i dont do it often either just now and then and only in small quanities. just to get a nice buzz. and i apologise for saying only loosers dont do it. and good job ignoring the real message of my post root here ill help bring it to light

You're STILL replying to my posts, which would indicate that you, in fact, have nothing better to do. If you did, you wouldn't be responding at all. If you really didn't care what I had to say, you wouldn't comment on it.

so by you replying and comenting on our posts your demonstrating that you care what we say and what we say matters to you.

where is your comeback?? instead you go rambling on about "pot is bad and a sin" and if you dont do it then dont judge it.


New Member
congrats on no longer being a wannabe and welcome to the L33T
and your still ignoring the point. is it because you dont like it?
and about the pot all things in moderation. sure a pot head might look back on it and see his stupidity but if you do it 1 evrey month or 2 in very small amounts i see nothing wrong with it. and who is to say its any worse than smoking and booze? you? well then mr pesident i salute you!!!


I'm not proud of having done it. Nor will I ever be. It's not something to brag about. I don't do it at all, anymore. I haven't in many, many years. It's not because I didn't like it - it's because it's a juvenile activity, and quite frankly, I want no part of it. I've grown up. One day, you will to. Mark my words.

Additionally, it's much worse than smoking cigarettes because they don't impare your judgement, and basic motor functions, like weed does. Drinking does, but I don't do that either. I guess it could be considered "worse" than drinking. At least drinking isn't illegal.


New Member
at the moment give it a couple years

and dude i liked your last post it didnt feel hostile.
but it isnt worse than smoking, smoking kills more people every year than weed related accidents alot more


lol. Yeah, because more people smoke cigarettes - THEY'RE NOT ILLEGAL. You dumbass. Of course it does. My god, how fucking dumb are you?


New Member
in the states but not in canada its not criminal its just a minor fine so alot of people do it. about 75% of my work does it including most of the people i know


New Member
oh my bad it isnt yet but here is some info from that same site
What lessons can we draw from these experiences for cannabis? Concerning health, as far back as 1972 the LeDain Royal Commission on the Non-Medical Use of Drugs reported that "the physical and mental effects of cannabis would appear to be much less serious than those which may result from excessive use of alcohol."

This statement appears true 30 years later. More recently, there are claimed health benefits, especially to some who suffer from certain illnesses. All in all, this is a situation that calls for personal choice, but with appropriate controls.

So what should be the preferred path?

First, the federal government should make the use of cannabis products legal: Decriminalization is not sufficient.

Second, a safe, regulated supply should be made available, perhaps through a CCBO or Cannabis Control Board of Ontario.
so give them a couple more months