Ignorant teenage mentality? Isn't Sadistic 30? And what the hell does "your...kind" mean. You know what I get sick of? Cockasses like yourself trying to act like they're topshit. You have not proven anything here, you don't even play on the server yet you come to our website to post on the forums. How many other places do you do this and how long have you been doing it? I was looking for an old post of mine and there I see, r00tw0rm from the 1.6 days I believe. So that means you've been wasting probably over a year of your life on this message board....who might I ask, is the loser in this situation? The people who enjoy playing in the server and enjoy posting here, or the sucker trying to cause shit? Because that's all you do, which is a great way to spend your spare time; try and stir up a shitstorm with all the "ignorant teenagers". Fuck off.
Classic mentallity of a highschool senior: Thinks he is the fuckin man because he's older and thinks he knows more than everyone else. r00tw0rm, there seems to be a strange resemblance with your personality...real fuckin mature.