Junk Flea CTF



New Member
thats pretty much what i do.....

instead of shotty have any pistol and run with that instead of the melle weapon

pistol has better portability then the melle weapon


New Member
ok i like the strategy but why do u need a shotgun ? lol u said u needed an smg and a shotgun wen a m16 by itself would work fine...


New Member
When I capture, I'll have thrown a smoke right before I get there, so the second I leave, the base is smoked. Any chasers will be blinded and unable to shoot me for a moment, because they won't know if I'm behind cover or not. I ALWAYS wear a light vest, and I run with nades. I'll throw a grenade at the floor as I run through the tunnel, and then one to the right of the exit of the tunnel towards my base (which is always bravo) so anybody trying to sneak around will die too. I'll run backwards as I get really close to the flag (after checking that nobody's camping by the flag), because I'm usually shot down the second before I get in the circle if I dont.

Touchdown. Always.


New Member
i could get from Trainee to 3 bars in less than a day...



On topic, flash bangs is a really pro idea too. Then your would-be chasers are just meandering around their base for 10 seconds, shooting aimlessly into that omnipresent white, as you're already passing into your touchdown zone and pissing them off. ;D


New Member
i was ju-

never mind not worth explaining..

Flash bangs are bad unless youve got the best place to put em. If you dont have a perfect place then the range sucks and the opponent will HS your ass


New Member
What about a fire grande would that work
Biggest annoyance in the game. These only work if you use them occasionally and not every match, because people will start to buy the face masks to protect against it.

Back before they messed with the hitboxes, I went into Junk Flea CTF with TAW and we'd win (with seven caps) in 3-5 minutes. We had Junk Flea CTF down.