If there's a hacker, you will know he's hacking because he will be OPKing or Aimbotting. Public hacks are non-existent, coders aren't bothering to code free hacks just so they can get patched in 5 minutes. It's not worth their time.
TGS Hacks - Dead, TGS has been down for months.. s0beit even said that they will no longer be coding hacks for CA because Nexon hit them where it really hurts, their hosting and paypal.
MPGH Hacks- Dave stopped coding long ago because they couldn't get passed hack shield.
3xi Hacks- Haven't coded since the Report function because their Hacks get patched within a Day they were released.
Now all that's left are FPS and Gameanarchy VIP hacks, but I'm guessing they are soon going out of business because the VIP hacks get patched so fast.
So If you accuse someone of chamming, no recoil, and other public hacks.. Shut the fuck up! because they're most likely just really good players or you just suck. You can tell an OPKers and Aimbotters from normal players. OPKer will be getting continuous knife headshots and multiple unbelievables. An Aimbotter will get all headshots, not just a few lucky shots.. but constant headshots in a row.
Again, if it's not a VIP hacker.. then shut the fuck up!