Kicking Players from the Game


New Member
Most of us do. Don't worry, it's a natural side effect of being retarded. I know a cure though! Supposedly punching yourself in the dick repeatedly cures retardation.


New Member



Most of us do. Don't worry, it's a natural side effect of being retarded. I know a cure though! Supposedly punching yourself in the dick repeatedly cures retardation.

wrong! You have to cut off your testicles with a spoon. Gosh Miran, get your medical facts right!


New Member
So how many of you are getting kicked from a game for simply doing good?

So far about 8/10 games I have played today I have been kicked for being accused of a hacker. It usually starts after I turn and check corners people hide in very often, but apparently if I kill someone when I check those corners that people are almost always in, I apparently wall hacked. Also, if I'm good at aiming, I use chams.

Summary: Nexon needs to be rid of the vote to kick feature, and apparently every single player has to suck at this game, because apparently if you are good at this game you are obviously a hacker...

Well due to this, I'm unable to level up at all.

I was kicked for being in first on WR with 56K and 18D. Damn noobs.


New Member
hehe there is actually a simple solution for this. I only have 1.64 kdr, but I still am usually the first on scoreboard. And I did get couple times until I used this method. It is similar to my old method of making people not call me a hacker.

1) As soon as you join a game, call someone a hacker. Someone in your team, just randomly
2) Vote kick him, and keep spamming saying he is a hacker
3) As soon as you can, vote kick another random person, but without giving any reason
4) Then a votekick frenzy will start, random people will get votekicked off on enemy team.
5) Hope you are not one of the random ones. Now people are votekicking anyone, doesn't matter if you are good or not.

I did this in every game I played and it seemed to work pretty well so far. Since I started this method, I have not played a single game w/o starting a votekick frenzy. But now it is really rare that I get kicked... before I used to get kicked about 50% of the time I join a room. Also this works well in Elite rooms as well. Elite mod gets usually very upset but doesn't know who is doing it, and too frustrated to care who is playing well.

Really? That is the only thing I hate MORE than being kicked for doing well, is stupid votekick fests and pissants that want to call everyone and their brother hackers.

However, I agree, and am supremely peeved to the point that I just refuse to join elite moderated rooms anymore. Stupid tools can't handle the fact that there are in fact people better than them.

And I bet there still are hackers, they just aren't as stupid as the ones when the game first came out. But I'd rather have hackers than these assinine E moderators.


New Member
Loads of time but I hope they don't get rid of the kicking feature just modify it or something to avoid this kinds of problems, because I use it to kick glitchers and/or hackers that I saw them "doing" it with my very own eyes.


New Member
I HATE VOTE KICK!! my god iv been kicked 10 times for no reson i got an ultra kill with a nade and got kick for other wtf and then got a head shot got vote kicked for harassment wtf fix this crap neox please


I kick people who are whiny little bitches or drop hackusations left and right. I personally like the feature (for the moment)