Modern Warfare 2’s Top 10 Hardest Callsigns


Active Member

Modern Warfare 2 introduced a new form of customization called Callsigns. These callsigns are varied and unique allowing players to distinguish themselves amongst an ocean of players. Most of these callsigns are unlocked by complete specific tasks or by perform certain actions.

Out of the 592 possible titles here are WRIXEL’s the TOP 10 Hardest to Achieve Callsigns in Modern Warfare 2.



New Member
Wow... I could have got the Think Flash Fast challenge because I killed someone with a flashbang by the flashbang directly hitting them but that was before I unlocked the challenge... WTF

Super Six 4

Ok, so I have stopped playing Combat Arms and picked up my PS3 controller and started playing MW2 like mad.... omg I love the Riot Shield... add me if your on PS3, my IGN is below!

Also, here is a list of all MW2 titles and emblems... I got the one below in my sig.

I also like the riot shield, the only con being that when it gets hit its kinda hard to see out, but thats why you rush down the hallway at the guy (assuming its a narrow hallway), hope to God he doesn't nade you, and then bash him onto the ground. lol


I also like the riot shield, the only con being that when it gets hit its kinda hard to see out, but thats why you rush down the hallway at the guy (assuming its a narrow hallway), hope to God he doesn't nade you, and then bash him onto the ground. lol

Also hope they don't noob tube you >.<


I disagree with some of those there are some that are a lot harder like that one about the nukes, its pretty easy to get 5 nukes. It would take less than an hour. I could go into depth about all of them and why they are easy but no one wants to hear that


New Member
I got the All Pro callsign already. I got 2 headshots with a SPAS by these idiots running in a line. Should of taken a pic. Im currently aiming for End of Line.


New Member
Droppin' Crates has to be the hardest one, I mean how many times have you gotten a game winning killcam by dropping a kill streak crate on someone. :p


New Member
Droppin' Crates has to be the hardest one, I mean how many times have you gotten a game winning killcam by dropping a kill streak crate on someone. :p
Yeah that one does require quite a bit of luck.
I mean, I don't even run care package so I would never legitimately get it.
Unfortunately, I got all the callsigns in a hacked lobby on the PC. I didn't even have a choice, I just all of a sudden had every challenge completed.

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