My Member Project ^_^ | The Secret Wars


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You can find me playing on Lordaeron US West Server under MortiCom!:D



!:D!My map is HUGE!:D!

Let me explain it!

I love Heaven Vs Hell. I like long games! But short ones are fun too! Heaven VS Hell is used many times as a brawl map between clans!

But many times people cheat. So I wanted to make a map designed so it could be LONG or SHORT! So it can not only pit one guild against another, but also allow for OBSERVERS!:D But that is not all, see my map, can allow 3 TEAMS to battle each other!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, the problems with many games like HvH or HLW are many:

1. The creeps don't scale with the power of the hero. :whatthe:
2. Victory stats are measured in raw power, not thinking ability :whatthe:
3. People would abuse heroes by using multiple copies of the same one. Such as multiple stunners. :whatthe:
4. Teammates become greedy and do not share or help each other. :whatthe:

So I fixed this.

What I did were these things:

1. All the creeps -- ARE HEROES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They level up and increase in power! Do not worry, you can disable creeps by preventing people from playing on Team 1 (Red's Team, the ID). That is called easy mode.


2. This map does not award wins based on who has most kills. This map is a capture point map. You have to capture FOUR POINTS on the map to win ^_^ and guess what -- ONE OF THE HEROES CAN FLY! Now I bet you think this is easy, or I bet you think the flyer has advantage. Well, let me tell you, it is not.


3. No one hero has an ultimate power. Certain Paladins and Certain Undead heroes have 1 shot kills -- now this may be powerful on "easy mode", but when you are playing with Hero Creeps -- wasting your mana can be COSTLY!!!!!!!!! Playing all same hero on the same team is very stupid. ^_^

But likewise, preventing opponents from choosing the same hero is also bad. What if you want an even matchup? where all players play the same hero! That is why multiple picks are allowed.


4. The hero-creeps and the boss are all bad news. They take the Highest Agility, Highest Strength, Highest Intelligence on the map. And so they can be more powerful than any one hero alone!!!!! By refusing to help your team, you hurt your team, because they are unable to help you fight the enemy and TAKE the opposition!!!!!!!!!!!

Greediness = SURE DEFEAT!!!!!

There are four positions to take, as you can see, the positions are marked in bright blue. White is the big bad bossman.

You will also find an area in the top right, it is sectioned off as the duel arena!

The duels are 3v3v3 RUMBLES!:)!

Tomes are expensive, and they aren't godly increases like in HVH. Godly Increases would make the game unplayable due to the creep system.

For Future Versions I have some plans! Such as getting a custom Model of a goblin Duel blimp only with some spotlight animations and reskinning. But that's for a future edition!

There is 1 secret character on this map. She is very powerful, but she is not unbeatable like The Chosen. I don't like unbeatable.

You can't get her until you obtain 11,000 gold. Which could very well be impossible for fast good games.

As soon as some nice person finishes helping me with that one model I'll release my map!

There are some memory leaks, but I was told that they aren't large enough to matter, hopefully this is true. I haven't noticed any major problems on my windows 98 machine so that should be good.


Here is the thumbnail!

Oh, btw, did I mention my map has 60 Heroes you can select at the start of the game? 61 is the total with the secret heroine!

Oh, yeah, and NO REPICK! Too many people LOVE to repick and hurt their team. Each hero has floating text describing its abilities. With nearly 80 entirely different abilities (or more, I lost count), there is enough variety for everyone ^_^

The Secret Wars will soon have a website. I'll give out that web addy when it's all completed ^_^


New Member
there seems to be a LOT going on here, not to say it looks horrible..
but if all the creeps are heros..

and if the maps super big, and theres only 6 enemies running around..
what are the chances youll find them?


New Member

BUt you have not played it yet to see how it looks, I just gave you a thumbnail of the MINImap.


Pls do not judge until you play!

Also, there is possible 3v3v3 because it is 3 teams vs each other! but you can also do minimum of 2 teams vs each other. Player spots 10 11 and 12 are for observers to make sure the game is fair.

As for how to make sure people fight each other! ;D

Don't you see? The entire purpose is to CAPTURE four spots on the map. Yep ^_^ You guess it. When you enter one of the four regions you capture it, when you gain control of all four regions YOU WIN! You HAVE to fight your enemies to control those regions, with the heaviest fighting at Keystone City (in the center)!

Now you see !:)!

Plus, the creeps just keep spawning and spawning and spawning, and they attack you! That is why you can have 100 levels, and some of the abilities, like Scourge Cleansing affect area radius!

Now I played this on my window 98 machine and it seems to run pretty well without too much lag even with 50 enemies trying to kill you. The Worst lag I experience, isn't lag, just loading time. It takes a while to load sometimes. But it is faster to load than some of the battleship games I play.

Of course you can always opt out of enemies, and just make it player vs player.

But you see that is the magic of this map. You can make it hard or easy. You can fight three guild teams vs each other.

As soon as I can find someone kind enough to finish my model I will release it ^_^

ALSO the duel arena, it forces you to fight each other. After 7 minutes in the duel, if someone is hiding using cheap invisibility, the goblin news network balloon will help you find invisible people. If you try to escape the duel arena, you are instantly killed.

People who lose duels are penalized 30 seconds - user control is disabled for that period.

Like I said, it can be a very fast map or a long map!


New Member
We aren't supposed to judge but you gave all this information :) ? Noo it' sounds nice, but from I have seen (the minimap), you might need to tidy the map up a bit? Anyway, it sounds wonderful and I am sure I will have a good time playing it.


New Member
OH! Now I see what you mean.

hrm. It is difficult for me to explain. But the problem with the mini map is it does not show terrain very well. You see, I have red terrain map, it is like, what is it, dark citadel? I cannot remember.

Now you will understand why it looks so messy ^_^

You see, One section the bottom section is for team 1 red. And that area is supposed to be mostly rocks and desert, but at the bottom left corner, is a little oasis fountain ^_^

And the section over to the right is a path almost city like path.

And over on the far left section, it is like partially water area leading to the capture point!

All three sections are almost like mazes. The maze portions can be somewhat bypassed by flying units, as well as blinking units. But the purpose is to provide some defense for you to protect your area.

Also, you can build Sentry Guards (they are blood elf mages), and one unit builds a sentry guard who is a warlock. The sentries stay put, but they have a long range and can see invis !:)!

And also, the center is Keystone City, with an evil shop called Vivendi Blizzard Universal where you can buy and kill Smurf--Draenei, Elogit, and Super Elogit. You buy and kill them for cash.

But beware the boss Sir Chem Zent. who spawns in keystone city. He has twice the agility of the highest agility on the map, as well as twice the strength, hp, and intelligence as the highest on the map.

Up on top is the hero pick lane. And in the opper right corner is the duel map.

I think I can make a big JPG of the whole map with a few screen shots so you can see better, would that help?


New Member
ok give me a second, oh yes I forgot, that one position above the center square area, is the DMZ. It is where you are forced to stay if you die in a duel for 30 seconds. It is also where duelists go who win the duel. Nobody can cast spells on each other or attack in this area. And you can also buy items from the shops.

ok I will take screen shots and post them in this post.


Edit: OK I add some screen shots for you ^_^. The hero screenies don't show you the heroes very well, but they were made to show you how many heroes. Lots of heroes ^_^

Also, I hid the other two capture points and DMZ from you, you have to play to see what they look like.

Plus don't expect the map to be beautiful you are in a bad place and have to fight to gain control! But maybe in version 3 (version 1 was buggy so this release is really verson 2), but maybe version 3 I will change the tiling to crystal or ice ^_^

Also considering asking someone to make the sports blimp look more like a sports blime (with rotating/moving lights on its side or on the bottom or something). For now the sports blimp just has the starfall effect. Which does look kinda cool ^_^


New Member
*stares at Arkidas*... *calls PiRho*... PiRho is he the one who made the smileys? If so... *hands out sniper rifles*... You know what to do :).


New Member
Thank you UL!:)!

I actually made version 1 in september, but it had some problems. I did not disable player control right, so people thought their game would freeze when they'd leave the duel. So I made some tweaks here and there.

I thought about all the things I love about HVH and things I hated in HVH, and I tried to make it good from there.

Well I am really excited and want to release my map soon! But impatience is the devil.

Maybe for version 2.5 or version 3 I will have personal stories for each character that trigger in quests when you reach level 100 ^_^

But I want to get v 2 done first and popular.


Edit-PS: I think these smileys are kinda cute, they look like they are wearing chocolate icecream helmets. It is kinda funny!


New Member
lol chocolate ice cream?

but yeah, as for heros, i always say quality>quantity...but if you achieve both then that would be pretty damn cool =]

if your doing closed beta testing i would be glad to help out.


New Member
version 1 was really beta. Unless there's something really screwed up in the map when I compile it for the last time, I doubt I'll make too many changes before v2.5 or v3


New Member
bump for love ^_^:



Due to some very idiotic bugs ($)@$@#*Q@)%_()iNg CRQ*()@$##@P that didn't show up in any of my previous beta tests), and one coding error, I was forced to spend all night fixing and fixing and fixing my map.

it's now 3am, and I think I fixed it.

If you downloaded my map before 3am on saturday, then please redownload it and delete the copy you have now.

!:)! tyvm !:)!

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