You can find me playing on Lordaeron US West Server under MortiCom!
You can find me playing on Lordaeron US West Server under MortiCom!
!!My map is HUGE!
Let me explain it!
I love Heaven Vs Hell. I like long games! But short ones are fun too! Heaven VS Hell is used many times as a brawl map between clans!
But many times people cheat. So I wanted to make a map designed so it could be LONG or SHORT! So it can not only pit one guild against another, but also allow for OBSERVERS!But that is not all, see my map, can allow 3 TEAMS to battle each other!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, the problems with many games like HvH or HLW are many:
1. The creeps don't scale with the power of the hero. :whatthe:
2. Victory stats are measured in raw power, not thinking ability :whatthe:
3. People would abuse heroes by using multiple copies of the same one. Such as multiple stunners. :whatthe:
4. Teammates become greedy and do not share or help each other. :whatthe:
So I fixed this.
What I did were these things:
1. All the creeps -- ARE HEROES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They level up and increase in power! Do not worry, you can disable creeps by preventing people from playing on Team 1 (Red's Team, the ID). That is called easy mode.
2. This map does not award wins based on who has most kills. This map is a capture point map. You have to capture FOUR POINTS on the map to win ^_^ and guess what -- ONE OF THE HEROES CAN FLY! Now I bet you think this is easy, or I bet you think the flyer has advantage. Well, let me tell you, it is not.
3. No one hero has an ultimate power. Certain Paladins and Certain Undead heroes have 1 shot kills -- now this may be powerful on "easy mode", but when you are playing with Hero Creeps -- wasting your mana can be COSTLY!!!!!!!!! Playing all same hero on the same team is very stupid. ^_^
But likewise, preventing opponents from choosing the same hero is also bad. What if you want an even matchup? where all players play the same hero! That is why multiple picks are allowed.
4. The hero-creeps and the boss are all bad news. They take the Highest Agility, Highest Strength, Highest Intelligence on the map. And so they can be more powerful than any one hero alone!!!!! By refusing to help your team, you hurt your team, because they are unable to help you fight the enemy and TAKE the opposition!!!!!!!!!!!
Greediness = SURE DEFEAT!!!!!
There are four positions to take, as you can see, the positions are marked in bright blue. White is the big bad bossman.
You will also find an area in the top right, it is sectioned off as the duel arena!
The duels are 3v3v3 RUMBLES!!
Tomes are expensive, and they aren't godly increases like in HVH. Godly Increases would make the game unplayable due to the creep system.
For Future Versions I have some plans! Such as getting a custom Model of a goblin Duel blimp only with some spotlight animations and reskinning. But that's for a future edition!
There is 1 secret character on this map. She is very powerful, but she is not unbeatable like The Chosen. I don't like unbeatable.
You can't get her until you obtain 11,000 gold. Which could very well be impossible for fast good games.
As soon as some nice person finishes helping me with that one model I'll release my map!
There are some memory leaks, but I was told that they aren't large enough to matter, hopefully this is true. I haven't noticed any major problems on my windows 98 machine so that should be good.
Here is the thumbnail!
Oh, btw, did I mention my map has 60 Heroes you can select at the start of the game? 61 is the total with the secret heroine!
Oh, yeah, and NO REPICK! Too many people LOVE to repick and hurt their team. Each hero has floating text describing its abilities. With nearly 80 entirely different abilities (or more, I lost count), there is enough variety for everyone ^_^
The Secret Wars will soon have a website. I'll give out that web addy when it's all completed ^_^