


New Member
There is never a proper excuse when someone speaks bad English. ^^

As for where people are originally from... that's what I don't really care about. I only have something against the French, all others are just fine.


New Member
I can't recall I spoke with him before, so, no comments on it. If we have spoken on the forum (or somewhere else for that matter), then I don't remember it. Judge yourself if that's positive or negative.


New Member
Nooby, we weren't saying that people that are not living in English-speaking countries can't speak English. We are saying that in some realms (USWest/East for example) English is dominant.


New Member
welcome to the anvil, my friend. take your shoes off, warm yourself by our fire... wait a minute, it went out. who's turn was it to stoke the fire, eh? (please don't say me)


anyway... i don't play online, nor have i ever and i couldn't really be bothered to start now.

is it true that our telstra call operators are in india? i find that very hard to believe.


New Member
Azeroth rules... I dont see any custom games in west >_<

wats a telstra call operator? .... I generally dont know most stuff but I'm sure I'v never heard of telstra....
oh btw I'm sayin thank you for the welcome so late because I was away campin ^_^


New Member
telstra is australias government phone company. "aparently" all the people on the telstra helpline are in india. this has led to some pretty funny jokes that make fun of the indian accent. but never mind, i guess i'll never know for sure.


New Member
if its a phone company then there is definately a high chance that all the people on the helpline are in india.... especially if customers curse the people at the other end....

I think most of the world's telephone helplines are based in india o_O

hey! indians dont have accents! the rest of the world does ^_^

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