
New Member
For some strange reason my weapons kept reloading when I would switch to them. Even if I had full ammo. Very weird. It stopped doing it after 1 round. I was getting pissed because I like to run with the pistal and then switch weapons. Not cool when your full shotgun starts to load when you are trying to shoot.


New Member
I was specing Dirty once and he shot the deagle about 10-12 times without reloading and I was like wtf that can't be, so I just figured it's a bug cause I can't imagine him hacking.


New Member
i have noticed that sometimes i dont see people reload...but i can hear it...the best example is the deagle i will hear them reloading but the slilde is back the whole time til they my point is this even tho i cant see the reload i can still hear if u dont hear it theres a problem def


New Member
LastManStanding said:
For some strange reason my weapons kept reloading when I would switch to them. Even if I had full ammo. Very weird. It stopped doing it after 1 round. I was getting pissed because I like to run with the pistal and then switch weapons. Not cool when your full shotgun starts to load when you are trying to shoot.

I have this happen to me every so often, but it's not really a problem. You switch to your rifle and the reload animation kicks in, but if you try to shoot anyway the animation will immediatly stop. You actually fire that round even though you don't hear it.

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