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New Member

"Cut my life to peices, this is my last resort.
Suffercation, no breathing
Dont give a F*ck if i cover your bleeding.

this is my last resort...

Cut my life to peices, this is my last resort.
Suffercation, no breathing
Dont give a F*ck if i cover your bleeding.
Dont you even care if i die bleeding?"

Gawd! this song f*kin PWNZ!
its like the best ever!


New Member
Perhaps so, but (to use myself as an example) I've downloaded several albums of artists and bands I like. It wouldn't be the first time I like a few song of them, and I do not enjoy all others of them.
Coldplay is a good example to name with it. Though I am pretty fond on most songs I know of them, it takes quite a long time until I start to like them. I started to appreciate their song 'Speed of Sound' the moment when it wasn't played much on the radio anymore, even though it was one of the most popular numbers of the year 2005.


New Member
I don't buy CD's either. I don't even think I have a CD-player out here somewhere... the radio and I share quite a bond :p because of that, I collect all kind of information about them, and that also (usually) has influence about my opinion about the artist. Though there are songs I never heard but I am pretty confident in saying that I'm going to like them.

Regardless, I have yet to listen to them. I'm still working on Green Day, and I only recently finished one of the albums of Guus Meeuwis (Dutch artist, probably my favorite Dutch artist) while I am trying to find the right time to start on the one of James Blunt, the Rasmus and some more of Bryan Adams.