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Nena ft. Kim Wilde - Anyplace Anywhere Anytime

Note: English title. My German is probably not good enough to write it without any mistakes.


New Member
Not as far as I know. I think "Nena" is used as a name of the artist there, though. I don't speak German well, but I doubt it is a word.


New Member
I recently placed an amount of songs in my playlist that I have a thing for. Because I haven't taken the time to check through my other folders - so I only took it from my general music folder - I combined a small playlist of songs that I just don't tire off. Normally, when I hear a song and like it, I tend to listen to it more often. But when the song is played too often, it sounds less good because I heard it too often. Though sometimes it works backwards, as I experienced not too long ago with Coldplay's 'Speed of Sound', U2's 'City of Blinding Lights' and a few others. But even when I hear my favorite song too often, I tend to tire of it and don't want to hear it for a while. Therefore, I rarely have that song in my playlist. Anyway, this playlist I've constructed, is combined of a few songs I can listen to all day long, without any reaction of me...

These are the songs at the moment:
Blof & the Counting Crows - Holiday in Spain
Partly Dutch, partly English. But then again, I never really tire of Blof.
DJ's United - If I lose myself in this
I'm quite confident in saying I can hear Kermit the Frog (Muppet Show) at the start of this song :p I'm still figuring out who all others are.
Foolsgarden - Yellow Lemon Tree
Not just a song I don't tire off, but one of my all time favorites.
Nena ft. Kim Wilde - Anyplace Anywhere Anytime (English title)
I heard this song on the radio and immediately downloaded it when I got home. A great way to prepare me on my German test :p but besides that, I like the song. Half German, half English.
Tsunami 1212 (Belgium) - Geef een teken (Give a sign)
During the Tsunami, the Netherlands (and more, as this is the one of Belgium) made a song which was song by just about all Dutch artists. I don't know much about the Belgium ones, but I do know that I like this song more.
Lifehouse - Hanging by a moment
A couple of weeks ago I felt like listening to this song. Until now, I can't seem to get enough of it, despite it being old.

For the time being, when I have my radio off, these are probably the song(s) I'll be listening to.


New Member
Metallica - Unforgiven II ("What i felt, what i known, turn the pages turn the stone/beyond the door should i open it for youuu...")

Iced Earth - High Water Mark

Metallica - Devils Dance (the begining of this live version reminds me of Red Alert 2, you know, the music in the installation process :p)


New Member
wow youre right, devils dance looks liek ith RA2 instalation thriller

Metallica - Eye of the Beholder

Metallica - Enter the Sandman

Lil Jon and the Eastside Boyz - Get Low


New Member
Greenday has its bad parts, especially when looked at their reputation. But besides that, I can't say I dislike their music. Despite them not being my style, I do like it.