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New Member
Green Day is alright, I only like a few songs. I pay no attention to whether they are "in" or not, or how they dress. Just the music.

Bare Naked Ladies - Pinch Me
(Btw, it is a guy group...)


New Member
Green Day is alright, I only like a few songs. I pay no attention to whether they are "in" or not, or how they dress. Just the music.
That's what most people say, but without being aware of it, a lot of judging is also made on the looks.
But besides that, I enjoyed 'Wake me up when September ends' the first time I heard it. 'Holiday' quickly got my attention when I started to listen more and more to it... nowadays, it is one of the few songs I like to play when I can turn up the volume up real loud.

Listening to:
The opposites - Slaap (Sleep)


New Member
Now Playing :

Anaal Nathrahk - Tthe Supreme Necrotic Audnance

Black Grindcore pwnz :infernal:

and gj Raging for The Prodigy + Pendulum :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Soon switching to Nine Inch Nails...