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New Member
Anal Cunt - I Made Fun Of You Because Your Kid Just Died
This is a band most rumours you could hear about are true :infernal:

Haha yeah did you know that once upon stage the lead singer started hitting the audience and ended up knocking one of the people out? :yay:


New Member
Haha yeah did you know that once upon stage the lead singer started hitting the audience and ended up knocking one of the people out? :yay:

That band sound shit,anyone who calls themselves "Anal cunt" is obviously an idiot and hitting your dedicated fans who payed money to see you just proves it.


Represent-Lil' Flip ft. David Banner & 36 Mafia


New Member
Iced Earth - Damien

Just found the lyrics in the net. Gives a completely new light on the song, and lets me tell my favorite lines:

"Now Disciples of the Watch
See your Prince of Darkness rise
Through famine and destruction
The Four Horsemen at my side
I demand a victory, I demand a sacrifice
Or spend all eternity
In the flaccid gut of Christ!"

The last part with Christ sounds weird though. :wtf:


New Member
very very disgusting.... he got rid of some ribs for some reason you dont want to know... unfortuantly i do and he got his wife to take out one of her eyes for something nasty
Yeah i KNOW why he did that, it was to his own... (hel.l i cant say it, its too abnormal)

For a girly man, he got a nice wife

Bob Marley - No woman no cry


New Member
That band sound shit,anyone who calls themselves "Anal cunt" is obviously an idiot and hitting your dedicated fans who payed money to see you just proves it.[/b]

Dedicated fans who payed money to see a band called "Anal Cunt" could not expect something extreme ?

Musically, you're right, Anal Cunt sounds like shit, expect some songs which are decent, for a grind band though. But don't mind too much the name, "Anaal Nathark" is an EXCELLENT black metal band, though their name is somewhat odd.
Plus, most of time they're ironic and it is more funny than disgusting. ;)

Yeah i KNOW why he did that, it was to his own... (hel.l i cant say it, its too abnormal)[/b]

Don't tell me you believe that bullshit ?! ~~

Filteria - Rotate To Vibrate
Trance may sounds cool sometimes^^.


New Member
Marilyn Manson's rib amputation = santa claus.

Zarach baal tharagh - stigma diabolicum (the call of zarach baal tharagh)