


New Member
LastManStanding said:
I'm against it and will always be. I'm a tax payer and people who sell it are breaking more than 1 law.

Most people that sell it are selling other drugs.

Starting to smoke it more than likely well get you to do other drugs. Even if it's once.

If you have to carry a gun to do your job and you're not Police or the Military than you are a bad guy. I have no room in my world for bad guys. We drop bombs on bad guys.

You can't tell me it good for you and you can't tell me that it's ok to drive after you do it.

For me smoking weed is not like downloading a song. People lose their lives because because of weed. Anything that is this dangerous should never be legal. Not even for terminally ill people.

People lose there lives from alcohol and tobacco products also, yet they are controlled legal substances. If you abuse anything it will always lead to bad results, that is just a fact of life. In my experience, people who habitually or even casually smoke marijuana do not tend to get involved in other drugs unless they have a history somewhere in their family of drug/alcohol abuse, which pretty mush means they would have abused some drug at some point and marijuana just happened to come first. I definetly do not condone driving while stoned because 1)it's practically the same as driving on painkillers or alcohol, you are not fully focused, your judgement and reflexes are impaired and 2) I did it once, and it was not a feeling of control at all. Marijuana is not even in the same ballpark as drugs like cocaine, meth, and the like.


New Member
Hey don't get on other things that people die from just to justify losers that want to get high.

If they had any sense they would find a job or a life to keep them happy. People do not need drugs and nothing good comes from taking them. Maybe a few kids but when's the last good thing someone did beside OD and save us other people from their stupidity.

Smoking weed is illegal and I hope it stays that way for a very very long time. If you need to escape reality then get online and play some CS.


New Member
Let's see....my dad is a very successful engineer for Westinghouse and is the greatest person I know, have met, ever will know, and ever will meet. He is also a Deadhead, so he'll smoke pot whenever he, my uncle, and my bros get together about once or twice a year. He is also very happy with his life, raising 4 children and still loving my mother just as much as the day he married her. You're obviiously WAY to biased of a person to understand what some of are saying LMS. If you hate pot so bad then don't you feel the same about alcohol and tobacco use? Alcohol is the cause for thousands of deaths a year, how many is pot the cause for? Not nearly as many I can tell you that. It's nothing like cocaine, LSD, meth, or any other type of drug that if you take to much of you will OD. People OD on alcohol all the time, it's called alcohol poisoning and I know many people who have experienced it. Don't you dare call people fucking losers for using it because you are VERY wrong when you say anyone that uses it is a loser. Granted, there are tons of losers that use it, but the same losers or the guys that are drunks and beat their wives. Open your mind a little bit and realize that marijuana is not much different than alcohol (besides being a stimulant) and it actually has medicinal purposes.


New Member
17 is too young Billy..in my opinion it's not a problem that drugs are illegal it's a problem that stupid shits like you do them....kids like you are giving drugs a bad name...stealing kids toys and acting obnoxious...

Yeah I can see you now at a pro-pot rally...that really helps the cause!

IMHO marijuana should be legalized...yeah maybe 18 but realistically 21...and I think harder drugs should be legal for those over 25 and highly taxed. I thought the same thing when I was 21 so it's not because I am over 25 that I think this.

Also those under 21 are usually (should be at least) in school and drugs should not be part of their lives. The truth is that once you have a life (family, good job, whatever) you really don't have time to fuck up your life with drugs.

Usually it's alchohol that is a problem for the 30+ age group not shooting H or blowing pounds of coke (mmmm).
in honer of LMS and others that are living in ignorance to the hazards of cannabis and other drugs I have updated and changed my sig. I hope you fags take the time to educate yourselves with somthing other than mass marketed propaganda from the US gov. you are so missinformed your coments aren't worth wasting my time to corect.

If you understood human history, we have more of a symbiotic relationship with this plant that you understand. our governemt hase bad mouthed this plant since our grandparents were children, and few VERY FEW have ever taken the time to read the facts about this plants history, Its illegal for a reason, shouldn't you understand how that happend? Shouldn't you know it was banned by a congress that accecpted raciest bigotry again and again over scientific fact? WTF you cant be such a good player and be to dumb, can you?


New Member
So you guys asked for our opinion. Here goes:

I could give a sweet shit. When you are in your teens and twenties it seems so very important to make a big deal out of it. I got news for you. When you get older you have a lot more important things to think about then this shit. Like your health for instance. Keep fucking up your body while your young and then tell me when you're in your thirties that you don't regret it. Next topic.
Puppet said:
So you guys asked for our opinion. Here goes:

I could give a sweet shit. When you are in your teens and twenties it seems so very important to make a big deal out of it. I got news for you. When you get older you have a lot more important things to think about then this shit. Like your health for instance. Keep fucking up your body while your young and then tell me when you're in your thirties that you don't regret it. Next topic.

I regret tabacco, but not cannabis. I smoke 30 cigs a day, I smoke 1 cig worth of cannabis every week. Thats not a health concern any more than tuning a car up on the weekend breathing exaust for 15 minutes for a gear head. Unlike most people I think I am looking forward to death. This place sucks for the most part. When my time is done, so be it. 12 week, or 70 years, what ever, I get what I get, and I do with it as I please. Am I a bad person because I feel closer to my higher being after using Cannabis? I am more calm with my children, and more patient as a father? how is using Cannabis any difirent than the 80% taking drugs "aproved" for improving the quality of life? vs the 20% that self medicate with herbs, and not $40 a month "legal" drug habits.

not trying to disrespect you puppet, my grand mother always said, getting old smarts you.


New Member
I want to start doing heroin when I get old. Who the fuck can stop me at that point? Seems like some H at 50 or 60 would be just the right thing.
Omniscient said:
I want to start doing heroin when I get old. Who the fuck can stop me at that point? Seems like some H at 50 or 60 would be just the right thing.

Im hoping to be in the hospice trying it for the first time. on my deathbead I will consider that an option. I have seen too many people not come back from experamenting with that shit! eww
Puppet said:
Man, you fuckers are fast! You were all over my post! Do your wives complain about you being fast?
my wife works 50+hours a week, I'm lucky she is awake enough to moan, more or less give me a performance critique at the end. If she has to catch her breath before lighting a smoke I take it as a job well done.


New Member

Haha daddy that is really funny.

But puppet has a grand answer to this question which syncs everything together.

What matters above anything is your own health everyone knows this but will hardly admit it and dont realize how bad they fucked it up before its too late but they will find out in there own way.

But I think there is two different kinds of people who use and or take drugs.

first there is the addict/abuser
People become so dependant on this shit(drugs, alky, smoking, anything)
And the reason it gets so bad is the mental affect it has in forgetting bad memories or things of that nature. Alot of folks place the blame of drug abuse on bad childhoods and neglect. LMS was probably referring to this kind of "druggie".

and Secondly there is the candid User
This guy or gal is a cocky muthafuckah, never really giving a fuck, they usually only do one item of reference but do it so much and believes in it so much its there own personal religion. Always pushing it in a positive way and saying "hey man try this" Give someone a cause and you will witness the birth of a paradoxial innocence.
Religion even in itself is like this.
This guy is....daddy(no offense)

Either way its not so much bad, what makes this country somewhat great, is that people have the right to do what they want and even when its against the law you can worm your way out of it or fight it for 50 years until its allowed. Whats cooler is we can actually post this wihtout worrying about government censory like the poor chinese folk. I suppose thats bad thou here we are talking about drugs and 4 billion chinese people cant write on forums, whats really the bigger problem here....


I respect daddy and deviant for there stoutly arrogant but very determined stand for what they believe.
I hope one day youll get you wish guys. Its not that i support the drug more or less but i do support the ideal. It would actually be a step that this country took in the right direction for people's rights.

LMS, become less ignorant, a real loser sits and posts in this thread. :wink:



New Member
Last time I looked smoking weed was illegal. Not sure how you can look up to someone that is breaking the law? He is cool because he is breaking the law! No I don't think so.

Last time I checked only really good people sell drugs. They help people all the time. I seen one on the street the other day helping old ladies cross the street.

Gangs are cool also. We need to have innocent people robbed and killed over drugs. That is so cool. I like to read about a family getting killed on a street corner because someone needed drug money. Makes me feel so happy inside. I'm glad there is justice in the world. Down with good people.

I think cig's should be illegal. They kill people. You can't even smoke one cig a day for health reasons. You can wine. You shouldn't abuse anything but last time I looked cig's and beer are legal as long as you are old enough.

What do drug dealers do for America?

Do you think that they are good people? Would you trust them with your kids?

Making weed legal is not going to stop drug dealing. It will just get the potheads safer weed because they well not have to go to the bad parts of town.

So here is your new slogan. "Legalize weed so I can get go to Walmart for the good stuff."