

New Member
I know 3 people that have been killed because of their use of weed. My uncle ran his car through someone living room and almost killed 2 kids on the couch. So don't for one second tell me that bullshit graph is correct.

Of course alcohol kills more people. People don't know how to use it and it's also illegal to drink and drive. I support people going to jail for that. As I said earlier it's also healthy to drink it in moderation.

Noone smokes cig or beer and then goes, "hey anyone know any dealers for the hard stuff." I'm sure this may happen but SOMEONE they know does weed and that person know where the hard stuff is.

Who freaking cares who gets addicted to anything? We all have our crosses to bear. At least mine isn't illegal and supports TERRORISM.

And the last one of your points. Grow up and be an adult. God/Nature gave you a brain. Use it for better things than smoking weed. I'm part native american and they smoked weed. I'm still against it 100%.

Nexp post is going to be from some person saying the cure for Polio was created while the guy was high.

Closed minded or Open minded has nothing to do with my statements. I guess Closed minded = Doing the right thing and Open-minded = breaking the law. I'll be Closed minded every day.



New Member
LastManStanding said:
I know 3 people that have been killed because of their use of weed. My uncle ran his car through someone living room and almost killed 2 kids on the couch. So don't for one second tell me that bullshit graph is correct.

it ain't the weed that did it. it was the actions of someone that did it. think about it. just like guns don't kill ppl. PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE!

LastManStanding said:
Noone smokes cig or beer and then goes, "hey anyone know any dealers for the hard stuff." I'm sure this may happen but SOMEONE they know does weed and that person know where the hard stuff is.

the point of my statement, which you miss so entirely, is that alcohol and tobacco are the drugs that ppl try first and THEN move on to other drugs should they choose to, not weed.

LastManStanding said:
Who freaking cares who gets addicted to anything? We all have our crosses to bear. At least mine isn't illegal and supports TERRORISM.

and if you really believe that bullshit, i've got some land to sell you in china. beautiful area really!

LastManStanding said:
And the last one of your points. Grow up and be an adult. God/Nature gave you a brain. Use it for better things than smoking weed. I'm part native american and they smoked weed. I'm still against it 100%.

dude, i am an adult. i own my own business and do quite well for myself with no help from anyone else. at 32, damn near 33 at this point, there's no way i can't be considered an adult.

LastManStanding said:
I'll be Closed minded every day.

and after that statement....there really isn't any need in replying to any of your posts.


New Member
*****Listen to me rant, and post idiot arguments**********

Your logic makes no sense. I see that argueing this is pointless.


I'm even happier that people are going to jail for using and selling it.

I'm just sad that people that use it are having kids. It's terrible that bad examples are having children.


New Member
yes yes! lets let all the rapist, murderers and child molesters back out on the street so we can keep pumping nonviolent drug offenders into jail!

great idea!!!

you're a smart one huh? :roll:


New Member
im with psychonaut13 on this one.
lastmanstanding you arnt standing anymore cuz yo shit is wrong.
also ... just because your native american and hence they smoked it
your against it ... wait wait wait... does that earn you a badge ?
did smokey the bear pat you on the back as a kid ?


New Member
Just my opinion, but this thread is getting fuckin lame. I'll be sure to bypass it in the future so now is your chance to talk about me behind my back.


New Member
**************Watch me bitch about things I know nothing about, but heard about from people I think are cool***************

I'm still waiting on the death penalty for people who sell drugs to those who OD.

I like the out in left field response.

We need more jails for all the offenders. Noone should be let out of jail before they are reabilitated.

Some 18 year old kid from Michigan is in prison for life because he transported weed over state lines in a truck. Got what he had coming to him.

I don't think innocent people should go to jail. Guilty people however should go every day of the week. So if you smoke weed your guilty of breaking the law and should be behind bars. I hope you like being a criminal.


New Member
LastManStanding said:
I'm just sad that people that use it are having kids. It's terrible that bad examples are having children.

fuck you asshole who are you to judge some1 anyways...this was an opinion post on the subject of whether weed should be legalized and somehow you get in to talking shit about ppl...i have a kid and smoke chronic and i am a damn good father...so take ur dumb fucking opinions that no1 was asking for and sit on them u POS


New Member
***********Marvel at my brilliant comebacks****************

You are really doing your children well by smoking weed. I'm sure the social workers will be excited to hear about your use of weed and raising children. They love that kind of stuf.


New Member
LMS, you have no argument, this isn't even a debate. All you do is repeat your ignorant response, "It's against the law." I'm sure you do a few things that the law says you're not supposed to. If you read carefully, everyone here (except Billy) believes in smoking marijuana responsibly, just as drinking responsibly. You really have no argument, you just like the attention. Make a point somewhere, a legit rebuttal instead of being an asshole and talking shit about something you're very obviously ignorant about. These are opinions, you have not stated an opinion, you believe you're aguing the fact that pot is illegal. We all know it's illegal, the argument is why should it be illegal/legal. You have just spammed a topic that I hoped would spawn a mature debate for once in these fuckin forums, but as usual, some immature fuck decides to be an asshole, in this case (as in others), YOU. Respond respectively, your opinions aren't right and neither are anyone elses, that's why they're YOUR opinions. Defend them, debate them, don't be an asshole.


New Member
*************See me start a flame war. I'm high on my own typing. I masturbate cleaner than anyone else************

LoL. A mature debate about legalizing pot. Thats the funniest thing I have ever heard.


New Member
Why not have a debate about it? Discuss the pros and cons of a subject.

Pros = 1. Clears out space in Prison ---- you (LMS) and I are paying for all those "criminals" you talk about with our tax money.
2. Gives law enforcement more time to worry about TERRORISTS.
3. Allows the goverment to make money on a pot tax.
4. Puts "dealers" out of buisness, thus ending violent turf wars.
(think about alcohol prohibition and Al Caopne)
5. Makes close minded people like LMS STFU.

Cons = 1. Makes people lazy.
2. Damages lungs of user as well as those in the area (2nd hand
3. Puts some narcotics officers out of a job.
4. Allows the goverment to tax it.
5. Makes closed mided people like LMS bitch and moan till we can't stand it.


New Member
Pros = 1. Clears out space in Prison ---- you (LMS) and I are paying for all those "criminals" you talk about with our tax money.
2. Gives law enforcement more time to worry about TERRORISTS.
3. Allows the goverment to make money on a pot tax.
4. Puts "dealers" out of buisness, thus ending violent turf wars.
(think about alcohol prohibition and Al Caopne)
5. Makes close minded people like LMS STFU.

1. People that go to prison are more likely to go back.
2. Police don't deal with Terrorism. The majority of their job is traffic, protecting and serving.
3. The government doesn't need money from pot sales. It gets plenty from taxes on beer and cigs.
4. Dealers will still sell drugs that will never stop unless you legalize all drugs.
5. No you'd like to think I'd STFU but as you can see I'm against it 100%.


New Member
LoL. A mature debate about legalizing pot. Thats the funniest thing I have ever heard.

You just proved my point, it's a wonder you made it out of middleschool and into a career. This debate is a MAJOR debate in the present time. Don't even pretend like it isn't, I suggest if you dislike it so much then go research it and actually back up your opinion instaed of sayin, "Only fuckin losers break the law."
LastManStanding said:
1. People that go to prison are more likely to go back.
2. Police don't deal with Terrorism. The majority of their job is traffic, protecting and serving.
3. The government doesn't need money from pot sales. It gets plenty from taxes on beer and cigs.
4. Dealers will still sell drugs that will never stop unless you legalize all drugs.
5. No you'd like to think I'd STFU but as you can see I'm against it 100%.
1: so lets keep more of the non violent "ofenders" out to begin with so they won't have to go "back"?
2: state budgets are tore up across america because the burden the federal government has placed on the state governments back. Please go ask ANY POLICE OFFICER if he has been trained to fight terrorisim, and what his department has had to to to meet federal mandates before you say they are not involved. I shur would rather have them arrest the 2 chumps breaking windows for CD;s than the dude blazing a spliff on his front porch myself.
3: dosent need money? what the fuck American deficit figures are you looking at? stop spending $4,000,000,000 anualy in the gardeners, and tokers, and spend it on schools, medicare, social security?
4:yup,I say free up more prision room for the meth dealers.
5:we can see that LMS, but your still blowing snot out of your ass for some reason, you have spent 30 minutes of you life on this thread, spend 30 min reading the emperor wears no clothers would you? chapter 5 if you only have limited time.

follow up question:

when your uncle was driving through houses was he also using other drugs? from my reading I understand that cannabis alone does not cause people to do that.