playing on Wii is good excercise


New Member
Rasande Bävern said:
Ryano said:
Rasande Bävern said:
Ryano said:
Rasande Bävern said:
The only time ive been a little sweaty were when i played like 10 boxing matches in a row (before i learned the controls completely) but my relative was completely soaked lol he had to chance cloths and take a shower :D(I reli was 100% into the game )

My mam played one game of tennis when we got the wii and she was sweating like a pig XD
Lol XD

The thing is now she won't play it incase she makes a show of herself again XD
aaaww lol XD to bad :p

To be honwst she wasn't that good XD


New Member
Ryano said:
gunners-4-life said:
Ryano said:
gunners-4-life said:
laiscallonis said:
unless u play for like 6-10 hours at once

That is really about how long i played on the first day...:mega_shok:

same here and the next day my arms hurt so much

Mine don't....cause I'm fit:D

i really doesnt matter if ur fit, u probably just flick ur wrist while i actually thought the wiimote was a handle of a tennis racket

Actually it really does matter if your fit, on the first day that people get there wii they will play wii sports and swing crazily (I know I did anyway) for a few hours.....Alot of people complained of sore arms and the like but I never....oh and in my original post I was being sarcastic

i meabn that if you work out and your arms have bulging muscles well then thats a different case


New Member
I suppose playing the Wii is good exercise if you're playing games like Wii sports.Also I think that Wii fit will make people fit and healthy.Well thats why it's called Wii fit,right.


New Member
LinkHylian said:
I suppose playing the Wii is good exercise if you're playing games like Wii sports.Also I think that Wii fit will make people fit and healthy.Well thats why it's called Wii fit,right.

wii fit should be good there is some info on it on wikipedia but wii sports only hurts if you actually do the motion


New Member
lu1g1 said:
if you wanna lose weight, stop playing video games and exercise.....and no i dont mean wii fit, i mean real exercise :)

Yeah, exactly. The wii COULD be good exercise if you purposely made it good exercise, but you could do the same thing with everything. Watching TV could be good exercise if you kept the remote in another room and ran around the house just to get it and change the channel, but no one does that. The same thing with the wii. No one jumps around swings their arms all over the place unless they're playing certain games, like some on wii sports. Most people just sit on their couch and flick their wrist to do any moves that require moving the wiimote around.


New Member
Rasande Bävern said:
yeah, exercise is much better if u want to lose weight or build stronger muscels, although some thinks thats to boring so they get more motivated doing it by the Wii.

i am still a bit sceptical, i think wiifit will sell well because people like to hear "playing this video game will make you lose weight" but the fact of the matter is, that if i wanna work out, im going to lift weights not do yoga


New Member
lu1g1 said:
Rasande Bävern said:
yeah, exercise is much better if u want to lose weight or build stronger muscels, although some thinks thats to boring so they get more motivated doing it by the Wii.

i am still a bit sceptical, i think wiifit will sell well because people like to hear "playing this video game will make you lose weight" but the fact of the matter is, that if i wanna work out, im going to lift weights not do yoga
You also do Push-Ups, Jump Ropes, Skiing, Soccer and many more.. I wanna get this game :O


New Member
GoldenAssassin said:
I never bought the argument that the Wii helps you lose weight. At least not with the current lineup of games. We'll wait and see about Wii-Fit.

You have to be doing some pretty crazy movements in order to lose weight on WiiSports. The actions aren't THAT extravagant to keep someone in shape.

Anyway, I treat my Wii as a console--not as an aerobic bicycle. I get PLENTY of exercise outside, where it's deserved, everyday. My Wii is a night thing. :)

Based on everything that I've seen about Wii Fit, it looks like more of a game that improves your balance and fitness, not something that helps with excercise.