playing on Wii is good excercise



New Member
They are definitely gonna make the balance board compatible with other games, otherwise there would be an angry mob that will attack their HQ


New Member
kevmaster said:
They are definitely gonna make the balance board compatible with other games, otherwise there would be an angry mob that will attack their HQ

Um, being a bit overdramatic? It is very anticipated, and their are many hopes that this will happen, but there is no guarentee at this point...


New Member
kevmaster said:
I wasnt being serious about the mob

Don't worry, I was joking. But seriously, I'm not sure if there will be a game other than WiiFit for the Balance Board. Like DDR Mario Mix for the Nintendo Gamecube, the pad was only used for the game...


Active Member
Gdog said:
kevmaster said:
I wasnt being serious about the mob

Don't worry, I was joking. But seriously, I'm not sure if there will be a game other than WiiFit for the Balance Board. Like DDR Mario Mix for the Nintendo Gamecube, the pad was only used for the game...
That is a concern that i thought about with the balance board, will it be used for other game's in the future? It seem's that the thing will just fail in the long run, unless wiifit will be a big hit.....:mellow:


New Member
Rasande Bävern said:
im absolute sure that the wii board is going to be used in other games such as tony hawk and such games:)

i really like the idea of a balance board but think of the price and then wii fit has to be bought as well so.....