Police: MySpace foils school shooting

man thats messed up. the cops should've locked those idiots in a room with their guns. maybe they would've used em on each other and thinned the herd.

i honestly believe that people are good by nature, but these jackass's are testing my belief in that theory. i hope they get the help they need. who knows, maybe they just need a hug.


New Member
"He also said investigators had learned the suspects were computer buffs who liked violent video games."

...why is that paragraph in there? Does playing a video game where you shoot people force you do do it in real life? Some more extreme left wing media for you...

Animal Mother

New Member
well this case might be a little different, because there is obviously something wrong with these kids, and maybe those video games had some kind of effect on them

But in general, video games have no effect on how you behave, because a normal person knows the difference between reality and a video game.


New Member
as am i.

On a side note...is it just me or do you find that kids are generally, and i use the term generally loosly, screwed up these days? Societial influence?
I think it's partly social influence and mainly parental defeciencies. I see too many parents wrapped up in their own shit to take care of their kids. These kids were said to have guns in their room. WTF. My parents would've had my ass in a sling if I even had a gun magazine in my room. Not to mention playing extremely violent video games (not that we really had any in my younger years). Parents these days give their children WAY too much privacy.

And thats another valid point. The most violent game i was playing in highschool was probably starcraft. Now I have cousins in elementary school playing Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas and shit like that!! There has to be some sort of Social Competancy Test or something before you can buy these kind of games.

Oh well, guess they'll have to learn the hard way.

Good luck to them and remember : Soap on a Rope is a life saver!!!


New Member
Absolutely I think societal influence has to do with it, that and the environment that they grow up in. I believe that all people are inheirantly good when they start out, but their environment around them and how they grow up changes them into what they become. With so many more children of divorce or single parent families, and more of a gap between the "haves" and the "havenots", it is more of a petry dish to grow ill-advised behavior. But at the same time, I think the news sensationalizes how bad things really are. In the grand scope of things, violent crimes are down, especially violent crimes in schools. I just think that the press has a tendency to make problems seems worse than they are.