Police: MySpace foils school shooting



New Member
TonyMontana135420 said:
I think it's partly social influence and mainly parental defeciencies. I see too many parents wrapped up in their own shit to take care of their kids. These kids were said to have guns in their room. WTF. My parents would've had my ass in a sling if I even had a gun magazine in my room. Not to mention playing extremely violent video games (not that we really had any in my younger years). Parents these days give their children WAY too much privacy.

And thats another valid point. The most violent game i was playing in highschool was probably starcraft. Now I have cousins in elementary school playing Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas and shit like that!! There has to be some sort of Social Competancy Test or something before you can buy these kind of games.

Oh well, guess they'll have to learn the hard way.

Good luck to them and remember : Soap on a Rope is a life saver!!!

No No, you give the test to people when they want to have kids.

You really can't imagine the shit that goes on in these schools now a days (Well at least in the inner-city school districts). I see first hand the bullshit that these kids get away with because the laws protect them. The majority of incidents that happen in the schools are covered up so that it won't get out to the press. I have confiscated more weapons in the past 7 years working in the schools to arm a small army and nothing ever happens to these kids. I have seen and broken up fight after fight and god forbid you discipline a child for anything like that, they might be emotionally scared for life if you tell them they are wrong. Fuck these kids, they need a good old fashion ass beatin without DCF crawlin down everyones back......And don't try blaming it on ADHD or ADD there is no such bullshit..... :evil:
Sorry Keisor? I wasn't paying attention. See I have this disorder...naw just kidding.

I completely agree with you. I have a couple of teenage cousins and a couple of early 20's cousins that should've been slapped around with a serated blade at least once or twice in their lives, but their parents didn't want to "scar" them emotionally. Hell thats what they need a little emotional scarring!! Thats what kept me from doing the stupid shit some of the other kids were doing in school!! I WAS afraid my pops was gonna jump out the woodworks and tatoo my ass!!! I WAS emotionally scarred!! Now I have a good job and pay my own way, although i'm still trying to get my dad to stop beating me...but thats another story for another topic.