Police: MySpace foils school shooting


New Member
Yah well mugs, news apparently isn't that exciting with feel-good stories. We've become desensitized and need to the crazy stuff to happen on t.v. to find it interesting, no? I'm not saying its right, but that's the way its headed. I mean look at the early years of television, society grows to accept more and more grotesque things (depending on how you look at it, may be good or bad).

Sorry i'm going off on a tangent here. When i was a kid, my parents use to spend a lot of time with the family, i think now a days, parents are so busy with their own lives, and making money, and working long hours to help their kids out, they don't get a chance to relate to all the things their kids are going through.

I remember talking to some kids, and they were like highschool is so hard, and we have so much stress, we want to be adults. I was like listen kid, your stress only grows as you become an adult, highschool is a a breeze compared to what you're going to have to go through in later years. Enjoy your childhood like it should be. Not that adulthood is bad, its new experiences, but its also new stress.

Kids, need to be kids these days.


New Member
lol, thats pretty funny/scary.

funny bc we are, i hope, intelligent enough to know that this is a bullshit excuse to do a really bad thing

and scary because it IS somebody's job to monitor shit like this on the web...

gg, im camping spawn forever.


New Member
when colombine happend it was "oh woah what is wrong with these kids"
i remember when it happen'd we had a similar discussion on the forums i was posting at the time and it all comes back to the parents.
if the parents wernt so worried about how their hair looks (one of the mothers was getting her hair cut when it happend in colombine) and checking her sons room
for um...
dirty cloths. "oh my son you have 2 simi auto guns in your room. lets sit down and talk"
my point is this.
we can blame it on many things: music, video games, society, poor parenting but at the end of the day it still just boils down to the actions and intentions of the person and their modives to geting to them.
at work its a good analogy to say "connect the dotts"
so connect the dots here. the kids are disturbed enough to start planning at the beginning of a school year (usually august) and they wait till 8 months later to do the deed on hitlers bd.
if these kids were bright enough to plan for 8 months im sure they got into a warped view of the world that keeps narrowing in on whats next.
i dont kno if i have really expressd my point or just rambeled. on the bright side they were stop'd before it happend and that is key.
thank whomever you look to to thank like God or your higher power of belief.. it was someone in NC that made that call. and good for her.


New Member
spliT said:
"He also said investigators had learned the suspects were computer buffs who liked violent video games."

...why is that paragraph in there? Does playing a video game where you shoot people force you do do it in real life? Some more extreme left wing media for you...

why don't you parrot off some more bs? all you know is to blame things on the left and this statement isn't even something that the "left" would say. it's an argument used by the right more than anyone.

if all you're going to do is parrot what you hear on tv, just do us all a favor and STFU so i don't have to come in here and ram you a new one k? gfg.


New Member
Imho the environment is the biggest factor. Unsupervised and poorly brought up kids is a bad formula when they have no idea of normalcy. Especially with the amount of television/movie violence today. Im not blaming TV alone, I'm just saying that kids who aren't taught from an early age how to interact in society are too easily fooled by outside influences. And then no supervision... Betcha right now those jackass parents are thinking about suing the school system.