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A strange way to start, but I'll start with your final comment before I say anything else. =)

I could get into more detail - but I won't - unless you push me more, [/b]
I had no serious intention of pushing you into telling. Like I said before, I am not forcing anyone. Therefore, I placed a wink behind my comment in the other post.

and no Fladian your little statement didn't make me wnat to type this, it's just that I just finished up another conversation with my mom and am depressed again.[/b]
I see. Well, the only thing I can suggest is that you just calm down, if necessary.

Aye, that's why I'm not too fond of sharing but I'll give you the outline: [/b]
I don't think we are thinking the same thing when you read my post and I read this part. =)

Let's just say there's a divorce now between my mom and my dad[/b]
I could have seen one coming any day as well before my mother got her health problems, so I'm familiar with a family constantly arguing, though I'm quite confident in saying that your situation is a lot worse.

(Which would make me partly insane.)[/b]
Though genes often play a role in the person's life, it remains a fact that you still make your own choices. Depending on those choices it will be the only possible way to 'confirm' that statement.

Anyways so my mom had a grude against my dad's family and they would have a divorce if we could afford it. [/b]
Affording the divorce often results as a problem, especially for those who aren't financial 'safe', to say it like that. I mean that it just happens quite often. =)

I have no idea who's advice to take because they both say different things and well they won't listen to each other. [/b]
"Who's advice to take", you say? Don't you mean who's side to take? Since I am not sure what kind of advice any of the two would give. But in the situation of what you said, it sounds quite logical that they "won't listen to each other", but such often happens in any up-coming divorcing family.

Overall no one knows what to do, just what they want to do. [/b]
Then tell me, Hunter, do you have any other family living home? Like a brother or a sister? If so, what is their opinion about it.

I'm pretty much depressed because obviously I will have to chose one over the other and because this situation is making me feel more lonely.[/b]
You know it will come eventually, and the only words I can give you is wishing you luck.
Then tell me, Hunter, do you have any other family living home? Like a brother or a sister? If so, what is their opinion about it.[/b]
Yup, 3 sisters and a brother - they don't know too much about the the situation - at all.
You know it will come eventually, and the only words I can give you is wishing you luck.
Luck is not what I have a lot of but thanks anyways


New Member
erm, i have a dad thats almost never here, he's overprotective though. and i have that psychofrenezic uncle next to my room, each times i hear his satanic chants ( that are really christian chants, but when they filter throught my wall i only hear deep, gross, cavernous sounds ) i have to get out the house, or listen to music.
i also have a brother who is gonna leave in the wilderness in australia, and he believes hitler had alien spaceships. hes 25 and very dependant on the parents, he pisses me off, i see him as a leecher.
the family makes me crazy, and already am!
my friends are mostly girls, wich brings the questionement of others, i have a sadistic perverted girlfriend that applies a lot of pressure and...uh...
the real problem is that all around me i see crazed people, it cools my head when i take a long walk and/or lay on the cemetary's snow.


New Member
dont worry lex, i know...i mean..i know...your life..well sorta...i hope it works well for you.
HHHHHHHHH!!! evil lies!
well, no seriously, you dont know much about mel, probably. shes so possesive, and ive lost a bunch of friends, and ive deloped a shell. but i didn't mind, since i was with her every day, you probably dont know how it is.
when i wake up the morning i think about her, i always call her and not nesceserally say something important, just to hear her voice. afterwards, she comes at my house and we walk together about two miles. even in the coldest tempest shes always warm. and well, i realizated how much my life was boring a little before.
(It's like being buttraped by a MegaZobouth.) i've seen much, and mel is totally different from all the girls ive seen so far, it's like someone that thinks like me, in fact, she does think like me, its like a freaky mirror.
and well, when shes gonna leave, i dont feel like going to school every single day and boring myself to death then come back home and bore myself to death. *beep*, death would even be better than that!


New Member
My sis has threatened me with a knife. I just laughed in her face and told her to go ahead. She didn't have th guts and just walked off in a strop. When bluffs dont work, it makes u look like a right stupid prat.

Ive seen some pretty bad stuff happen to people regarding knives, in my place. Some guy ended up in quite a mess when he screwed with the wrong people, and I was watching them do it. I enjoyed watching as they did some certain things. Would have saved the poor guy alot of pain if id have called the police, but that would have ruined the small gang's fun (and my enjoyment of watching)

I laughed as I watched, and as the guys walked away after doing stuff to guy on floor, I caught an unmistakeable grin off one of them. Seems they are nice people too.

There was also the time when someone got really cut up, and slashed. But I only went to have a look at the victim when the people who slashed him up had left. They didn't seem like they wanted company. But dispite having a mobile phone i just left left him there, pleading, but i gnored hes pleas.

Even though I am a bit cruel sometimes, don't mean that I am a bad person.


New Member
Cruel sometimes, you say? No offense, but that's something I usually don't... like.
In what you have been explaining, I understand what you are thinking, but in my opinion, it is not the right way of thinking. I am by far not religious, but didn't every religioun said something "never let someone suffer" or something like that? But even though I am not religious, it is something I do agree about. Though I guess it depends on the person who is suffering, if there is no particular valid reason, it is cruel not to help them when you can. The examples you, James, gave, are situations where you probably could have ended it.

When something like that happens to you, would you like it if someone would have looked at you from a distance and enjoying the scene? No, I'm sure you're not. Oh, and trust me, how good you may think of being, there are always those better or stronger than you are. No matter how high you think of yourself.
If necessary, I'd be willing to kick ya' sometime ;)


New Member
I have life problem. I forgot key to Draenor portal and orcs got stuck. When they'll come out somehow they'll rape me flat o_O
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