Well, this isn't really my problem, but it is something that might get something started... and I'd appreciate any words on it.
Look, there's this girl. Nice looking, pretty friendly, seventeen years old, and got her attention from guys all over the place. All fine and well, but her parents are extremely over protective about her. I don't think I really need to give any explanation about this, but it is also a fact that her parents are treating her like a little kid. Needless to say, she is sick of it, and really developed quite a 'unfriendly' relationship with her parents.
As if that wasn't enough, her nephew, a good friend of mine - and who introduced me to her - has since a short time, much contact with her. You see, there is a large distance between her nephew (and me, because I live on walking-distance from her nephew) and her, therefore, they didn't have much contact because they didn't see each other often. How old fashioned it may sound, that girl got her 'internet' only recently - well, just about a year now - so, the only other option to get contact was by phone, and to do that constantly: no. So for a year, they have had contact, and her nephew understood her bad relationship with her parents. As far as I learned, her nephew is trying everything to get her away from there. He quit school and took a job to get a 'house of his own' (apparently) so, she could leave her home. A touching thought if it wasn't the fact that her nephew is very overprotective about her as well - or so she told me, and I pretty much noticed it myself - and isn't too much different from her parents.
As if that isn't enough, her relationship with guys isn't really something to look up to either. Though that is something I don't know much details of, I do know that it ended up with her not trusting just about everyone. I am glad to hear that she trusts me though. Anyway, she doesn't 'like' a guy easily because of it easily either, but when it happened and either her parents or her nephew hear even a single word about it, she can forget it to see him, because of <insert a reason here>, they apparently always seem to think of something.
At this moment, she has a relationship with some guy. Quite rich, has his own (succesful) company and has children: two to be exact. She said he is nice to her, but pretty much ignores his children. When they met, he never said anything about his children, and lied about his age (I'm not sure how old he is, and what he said). That ticked her off, or so she said. Personally, of what I heard about this guy... well, I didn't get a good impression of him.
To make matters worse for her, she is (her words this time, though I like to use those too I'm really quoting

) 'pretty fond' on some other guy. Again, just like the other, unknown by her parents and nephew. Fact remains that I know about her relationship and for me, it is
only logical that I know about the other one. Would this be told to the parents or nephew, it'd start with that she'd never hear the end of it, nor will they react in a 'happy way' and the over protectiveness will only increase. That is something that is for sure. To only make matters worse, the guy she has a "relationship" with, really would not be liked by any of them. The other one, well, I only know that her nephew would not be pleased with it
In reality, there is very little
I can do, except comforting her whenever necessary and argue with her nephew about, whatever necessary.
If you want a question for the end, what is best to be done? Both by her, and for me. I'm very willing to help her, but I am not going as far as her nephew to quit school just to get her out of there.