Public Speaking


New Member
My humble apologies for double posting, but I don't feel like deleting a post. :p Being lazy is part of my vacation; especially since tomorrow is my last day of my vacation, so I'm trying to get the best of it.

*trying to pcture Fladian's speech*[/b]
No need to try. The photo's are in, and while typing this, I'm also uploading them.

<div align="center"><img width=\"501\" class=\"attach\" src=\"\" border='0' alt=\"IPB Image\" />

Ah, what the heck. I guess it's nothing I could lose... I knew most of the people out there...
"Let me get this straight before anything else. I am definitely going to regret this.

<img width=\"501\" class=\"attach\" src=\"\" border='0' alt=\"IPB Image\" />

Okaaaay... I'm running out of subjects...
"Like Mr. van Valburg said: Everyone is quite bad with calculations. I'm no exception, therefore I chose the study course of accountancy. Is that logical?"

<img width=\"501\" class=\"attach\" src=\"\" border='0' alt=\"IPB Image\" />

Time to step down...
"Um... right... I uh..."

If someone wants me to post my graduation pics, I'll gladly do so. Most of the pictures (unfortunately it are only 25) managed to come out quite well, though a little blurry as can be seen on these three as well.


New Member
That 2nd pic makes it look as if you're preforming the speech to a bunch of old folk, how come most of the crowd are grey ? :p.

Oh, and you don't look anythin' like I thoughtyou would :) .


New Member
Pure coincidence. :p I wasn't the one who made the pictures, of course. A bunch of old people (at least where I sat) where I front of me, but I didn't really mind it. In general, there were quite a lot of old folks...

I didn't look as you would expect? Oh? What did you expect then? :p

<div align="center"><img width=\"501\" class=\"attach\" src=\"\" border='0' alt=\"IPB Image\" />

"Whoa, your mother is preparing a photo for us!" - Erik (the guy in the middle)
"Wha? Has she already taken it?" - Me
"No, but perhaps you should turn around so she can take it." - Sven (the guy furthest behind)
"That was not really my plan..." - Erik</div>

EDIT: Erik was a former classmate ("Just keep saying yes and amen, and everything will work out just fine" - quote of the day) and Sven was a guy I knew from a different class; I never quoted him. Now you see a photo of me, can you roughly guess my age (I recently got a year older :p)? I'm one year younger than Sven and Erik is quite a lot older than me.


New Member
Thought you'd be a bit taller, lol, from those photos you look....short :)

Oh and I reckon that your either 18 or 21 (considering that you've just graduated).


New Member
BTW: looking at your pictures, i guessed right at the time you posted the group picture. Cant recall when was it though, surely in this year. :p


New Member
I was out of subjects... that doesn't happen too often, but when it does, I start to look quite... dumb. :p That happened quite often in the past, when I was still very insecure... not to mention that I was embarrassed. It doesn't happen every day that a quite big group of people give me an applause.
I'd do it again if I had the chance though.

<div align="center"><img width=\"501\" class=\"attach\" src=\"\" border='0' alt=\"IPB Image\" />

"You know what, when you graduate, I'll come to your graduation."
"No way!" - the guy on the left of the picture
"You know what? She won't come alone, I'll be there too. Perhaps I'll keep another speech." - Me
"Well, I'll be going now. I'll talk to you later on MSN."
"Sure." - Me
"Wait! I don't have your MSN!" - the guy on the left
"Oh... um... I guess that's your problem, isn't it?"