Red Alert 1


New Member
I never played RA2 due to I hated the free dome which was released and what I had seen from screenshots, etc it looked crap. Not c&c style at all. The good games in that series stopped after Westwood was bought by EA Games.


New Member
Dune2000, oh yeah. I really loved that game as well. Though I had the urge to play it again for years, I was not able to. I lost the CD of it, so...

But I still like the game a lot :D


New Member
Red Alert 1 was one of the first games that i really liked to play so much... Too bad i cant get it anywhere to install it and play... :( :(

And my favorite mission there was the one for Soviets, in the nuclear thing. Really it had so much atmosphere when i played it...


New Member
Something that I'll probably never forget about RA 1, was the little movie of 'the Allies' when you are going to start the final level. You see one of the tanks crushing a wall. "A full out attack."


New Member
Then too bad i played a "No CD" version. I had it installed on my comp about 8 years ago, and it didnt use any CD at all. Other thing i didnt have any of it.

By the way, about heavy tanks not useful against infantry. Well its true, though if you want tanks vs infantry, you got nothing better(and more expensive :p) than the Mammoth tank. Nothing beats killing infantry with anti air rockets. XD

EDIT: W00T!!! Found a site where you can dl Red Alert 1!

...Not sure if for free though, ill have to check it first.
EDIT2: False alarm... its only a demo, if you mean free download.