Srry, it took me a while to notice that there were a lot of posts since the last time I was in this thread.
Anyway, I was just kidding. By belting, I simply meant singing, often very loud.... but now that I think of it.... "belting" pretty much means YELLING REALLY LOUD, right?[/b]
Singing =\
Wow... I really don't want to imagine any of my teachers singing. But then again, I yesterday learned that I am unable to make anyone sing.

I had a visitor yesterday and I was trying to persuade her to sing. Failure.
.... Uh, was she reading what you were typing? lol[/b]
Uh... I don't know. I'm not sure, but it wouldn't really matter. She already knows I like her anyway. But then again, who doesn't.
Dude, I was sitting in my math class today, and I came to realize just how crazy my teacher is. Apparently, he has a pet fly that he named "Paige", and he also had one last year named "Garren". He says they live so long cuz he feeds them Monster (for those of you who don't know, its an energy drink, kinda like gatorade, but a lot more... "energetic" lol).[/b]
There's a Dutch city/town (I've never been there) called 'Monster.'

I really should visit it some time.
A pet fly? =\
I knew he was joking around, but if anyone killed the fly, he was gonna assign them detention. I was tempted to test whether or not he was serious, but I decided it wasn't worth it, just in case he really did mean it, lol.
I think the heat of Arizona is getting to a few people's heads here, lol[/b]
I don't know much about flies. But I don't think they get that old, and that it can become quite a hard time when you want to feed them.
I've also got a question for you guys. Its kinda too late to do anything about it now, but I'd like to have someone's opinion about what I should have done. All of the choirs at my school were having a party tonight, and I didn't plan on going, but one of the girls in there practically begged me to go. [/b]
Reminds me of someone in my class. From day one, she has been publicly flirting with me.

Honestly, she isn't my type.
But then, just a couple of days ago, the girl who I have a crush on invited me to a fashion show she was a model in, and if I went, I could enter in a contest, and possibly win either a Prom Tuxedo or a dinner for two. Now mind you, the fashion show was on the same night of the choir party.... actually, its in about 8 minutes, lol. And also, she said that I didn't have to go. Originally, I was planning on going, just because she would be there, but I ended up changing my mind, thinking it would be wierd because she and I aren't really in any sort of relationship, just really good friends. Do you guys think I should've gone to the party, the fashion show, or just do what I did (stay home)? [/b]
Well, I personally think you should have gone there. If you were in a relationship or not, is of no real importance. Despite that a lot of people called me crazy for what I've done for some people - despite not being in a relationship - I really like doing some things. What you said is something I would've done without a second of hesitation. I'll name three examples of what I've done. All three of those people have found my quote of the day multiple times.
Anna, a friend of mine who've I only met on the internet (we never met in real life) was complaining about the fact that she wanted to go to Amsterdam (capital of the Netherlands, red.) but didn't really felt like going alone. She told me that she usually got some problems when going with the train. I told her to take someone along, which she laughed at.
"Who would I take along? I mean, who would go to Amsterdam for nothing? They have nothing to do and have to go back after that. Anyone who would do that is crazy." - She
"Crazy? Me? Well, I've done it before to a few people." - Me
In the end, I didn't go with her. I had to work that day.
Several months ago, I've had a job at a company near where I live. I worked 'till 4:30, PM. On the friday, I could leave at 3. If I immediately ride home on friday and take the bus (43) (train too, but eitherway, I need that bus at the bus/train station), I could stop at a different company. Every friday, I picked up a girl there just for fun. That was Elianne. The first four weeks, she was actually stunned that I did something like that -as it really is quite the trip
I have to make. The fact that I waited with her for her bus (which really gets my award of 'being most late, EVER!') every time really gave some strange reactions. I'm not sure if her screams of: "Go home!" made my quote of the month.
When Preety, a friend, went to England to study, she told me she would be at school for one last time at a specific date. Despite that I had to work during that day, I skipped work and immedately set off to school to see her off.
"What are
you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?"
"Yeah, but you are going to England. I can't let you leave without saying good bye."
"But you already said goodbye on MSN yesterday."
I offered to pick her up when she came back too, but she told me that her family was already going to pick her up. I'm not prepared to meddle with family business.
The first two girls have a boyfriend and the third girl and I know from each other that we're absolutely not each other's type.

Therefore, I should not really be the person who should state his opinion about what you should have done.

As I said, I did quite a sum of strange things which really gave some people quite a shock. One of them even gave me a nickname: "The guy that pops out when your least expect him."
Only one of the people where I "pop out of nowhere" is used to it now. She really isn't surprised anymore to see me appear at some places where I (perhaps) shouldn't or couldn't be.

But as an answer to your ask of opinion, I'd say that you should have gone to that photo shoot. If she invited you, (or at least, asked) then you have all the excuses to go. If it would be me, I would certainly would have gone. If you could anticipate how long the photo shoot would take, you could also go with the other girl to the party, and leave early to go and wait for that other girl at the photo shoot. (When I was late at trying to get with someone, I usually waited. That three hour wait really was a pain, that I must admit; but worth it) Unfortunately for me, I have a
really bad sense of time (worse than memorizing names) and have a hard time (or next to impossible

) guessing how long something will take.
I feel kinda bad for bailing out of the party, cuz that one girl really wanted me to go. And then I also feel bad for not going to the fashion show cuz that other girl (I'd rather keep them anonymous) and I have become good friends, and... well, you get the idea.[/b]
"Kindness can be cruel from time to time."
I guess because you like the other girl, you should have gone with her. Regardless of how much the other one would have wanted you to come, you could say (sounds a bit unsensitive) that you had/have other plans.
I've never had a similar situation, but I'd probably involve a friend or classmate in it. I'd give a reaction like: "Here, (a classmate) Danny is nice too. Why not take him?" Naturally, you'd get a reaction like: 'No!' or 'Why?' Being me as I am, I'd just keep offering people until I get a reaction like: 'You don't want to go,' and then apologize or something. It really works a lot better in person than it sounds here.
...I probably sound like such a loser right now, lol
Really? No, not at all. Or at least, not to me. As a matter of fact, I might even envy you a little bit.
As for my school, my first impression (and the first impression of some others) was
clearly wrong. As a matter of fact, this year might even be better than my second year of high school (which everyone in that class agreed on that it is the best year ever and it'll probably be the best year we've ever had. The people from that class are still the people I hang out with). Which really is quite a big word for me.
Despite that my class exists out a lot of girls, that isn't just everything that made me happy. Most of those girls
know me, and are friends. Some better than others. Even the girl I like is in the class, it's only unfortunate that the feeling isn't similar; but I knew that from the start.
That same girl gave me a visit (at home) yesterday.

She really made my day then. Yesterday is one of the best days I've ever had. If today will be a good (school) day, this might get in my book as one of the best weeks I've ever had in my life. Even though nothing exciting happened, (just some fun things) it really was very pleasant. I mean, if this can continue next week, and the weeks afterwards, this just might be a very good year, and I can finally leave a year with a smile on my face - I've (one exception) always finished school years with at least one (big) regret; in my first year of college, I left without any big regrets, from that day on, I started to dream again (I have been unable to (remember) dream for a long time).
Regardless, I
do have to go to school now.

Or I'll miss my train.