


New Member
i'm going to stay out of this discussion for the most part, but i wanted to point out two things.

1. Not all terrorist are islamic extremist.

2. Terrorist do not wish to take away anything you have, but rather to remove the absolutely horrid foreign policies of the US that have turned their countries into waste lands of death.


New Member
The middle east has been at war for hundreds of years, long before the U.S. was around. I'm going to stay out of this for the most part also, but the middle east being the core of the 3 major religions (Jewish, Christian, Muslim) and all thinking that they have the right to have the land all to themselves makes for many long and bloody times.

turned their countries into waste lands of death.

We've helped and worsened, you make it sound like they were paradise before the U.S. stepped in. I know we've gone into many more regions than the mideast but that is the area of focus during this conversation it seems.


New Member
good ideea......i allredy left a PC forum cause i got pissed how dumb ppl are when it comes to politics.
I won't lock the thred's Dirtys.


New Member
Shit no, we don't lock this thread. Anybody does I come right behind you and unlock it. This is an open forum and it's called Off Topic. I promise you when I'm losing an argument that I won't lock your thread. I agree on one thing....this topic doesn't belong in the game. I don't like hearing religion, politics, or racism during game play. Rattles my friggin cage.


New Member

Religion is just a copout, another excuse used by weak individuals who cant admit to there own fate, we are stuck on this rock to live the most lucid unimaginibly ugly lives and beautifull deaths, to expierience life as exactly as we make it, religion will not change this, it is the core of human nature.

Religion is also at the core of human nature, not religion itself but what it stands for, not an excuse for the way we live, but a measure for dealing with the shitty cards we are dealt.

what is more plauseable here:

A) Some dude speaks to an almighty voice in the heavens who tells him about commandments and gives him unimaginable powers.


B) The Dire world of the very distant past was so vile that people came to wits end and created a story passed through generations which formed into a book which was a sole source of hope and spirit in a place which many would call hell. Religions Form around this center idealogoy of god, gods and Heaven and Hell, that those who lived to make life better at any cost would recieve the most precious gift, a wonderful life after death and those who did not were meant to burn in the depths. Ofcourse, who, when, what, and how to make the world better would be decided by those who were at power, and the only ones to defy such things would be those who disagreed with where things were going.

War, Famine, Plague ran rampant, (and still does) but back then it was to a degree which most people cannot imagine.

I see the Bible and Religion as a Psychiatric tool, a way for people to deal with the shitty parts of life, and it is very much so.

People now(and even then) however, have used it politically, and militarily, to there own advantage. This too is human nature.

Religion has been presented as this in my life:

If you sin, you go to hell
Yet you can be forgiven by god if it is your desire to do his will and go to heaven

is this not the biggest load of crap ever?

Its like hey, if you steal this im gonan cut off your hand, but if you go steal that for me, ill let ya go.

It is a great amount of wihsful thinking at the very least, A wonderful tool at the very least, something used to bring people together and unite under one flag, just another cause. and I understand it, the thought that people would rather think they are going to heaven rather than comign to the realization that once you die, you die, thats it, some poeple jst cant handle the thought, it is almost unbearable to comprehend that youve got one chance here in this world, and we will die like every other person, plant, animal and organism that we see die everyday.

Sure, Heaven sounds great, but I have much more faith in myself and what I do and what I will do then in this ancient unproven faith.
Religion would be great to raise your kids on but I wouldnt, id feel like im lying ot them. Id want them knowing what the world really is, and what will happen in the end.

The fact is, we are what we are, we are where we are, and we will die. Everyone knows this, it is the undeniable truth, the quiet thing that no one talks about but is immediately and automatically there in your mind.

Some people join the military, some people blow up themselves, other poeple do what they do.

I play CZ with you folks.




New Member
JustAnotherStayAtHomeDad said:
go find my post "got 20 min" and the last bit of the skit shares my opinion of religion.

Exactly Dad, I saw that on HBO a few months ago, I could`nt have said it any better myself........


New Member
What we're talking about here now is organized religion as opposed to an individual's belief that there is or isn't a divine being that put this all together. That said, organized religion sucks. I don't care which one you got, it sucks.


New Member
any religion that breeds fanaticism is evil. pure and simple. any religion that states that it is the ONLY way and that it's followers much convert the rest of the world is breeding trouble. period.

not all religions do this though.
psychonaut13 said:
any religion that breeds fanaticism is evil. pure and simple. any religion that states that it is the ONLY way and that it's followers much convert the rest of the world is breeding trouble. period.

not all religions do this though.

No religions do this...People use religion to do this.

Ramon Knight

New Member
Re: ....

DigitalSword said:
A) Some dude speaks to an almighty voice in the heavens who tells him about commandments and gives him unimaginable powers.

It is a great amount of wihsful thinking at the very least, A wonderful tool at the very least

I agree, gods are like robots and every other invention of man: they're extended versions of ourselves that strengthen us because we're weak in every aspect other than our basic invention-making abilities. No claws or fangs? Here, swords and guns!

Logic, emotions, intelligence..while we've defined such things, our race's abilities in these aspects are so vast, the only thing that truly binds us is our ability to create..and that we do, even if its just creating fiction :)

DigitalSword said:
People now(and even then) however, have used it politically, and militarily, to there own advantage. This too is human nature.

True, i studied the old testament and code of hamurabbi in an Ancient Law class, religion was basically used as the code of law for ancient civilizations. (makes you wonder if the greek *really* believed in zeus and those other gods or just thought the stories were 'really cool' like most of us do now :p )

Ramon Knight

New Member
Sadistic1 said:
psychonaut13 said:
any religion that breeds fanaticism is evil. pure and simple. any religion that states that it is the ONLY way and that it's followers much convert the rest of the world is breeding trouble. period.

not all religions do this though.

No religions do this...People use religion to do this.

Yeh. Every religion breeds fanatics, especially those main 3 you spoke of earlier. Given time, anything can be made into a religion and given more time, it can be perverted into a machine of evil.

Look at Scientology! C'mon..L Ron Hubbard? psh..


New Member
Sadistic1 said:
psychonaut13 said:
any religion that breeds fanaticism is evil. pure and simple. any religion that states that it is the ONLY way and that it's followers much convert the rest of the world is breeding trouble. period.

not all religions do this though.

No religions do this...People use religion to do this. are wrong. I am pretty sure extremist islamics feel this way and I know for a fact that Born Again Christians also do. My uncle was normal as shit until one day he got "born again". Then suddenly everyone else was going to hell and he preached God 24/7. It fucking sucks. I had one uncle die to aids and another to God. I still love him but he doesn't want to do anything because it's all evil. Like seeing a movie or going to the racetrack which we used to do all the time.


DigitalSword- Since when did you grow a brain? Nice post sir. You have my respect.